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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. This was by design. In other words, this is not a bug. Having a right-click on the color wells was a very nice thing Rick implemented and he explained the limitation when he presented it to us.
  2. Steps to reproduce: Start > Run Paint.net File > New Change image size to 2560x1920 and click OK. Select square drawing tool and draw a couple of squares (so that you can see if the resolution changes). Change the zoom drop down from "Window" to "100%" and notice that the view didn't change.
  3. I was working with a 2560x1920 pixel image today and the zoom dropdown was set at "Window". I then selected 100% in the dropdown and nothing happened. The dropdown still said "Window" and the zoom level didn't change. I then selected 200% and again nothing changed! I tried 300% and it worked fine. I then selected 200% and, surprise, it worked! Finally, I selected 100% and it also worked this time. Going back to "Window" also worked. My screen resolution is 1280x800 (widescreen laptop) and PdN was maximized. I'm running 3.0 Beta 3.
  4. ...that still doesn't do HSV gradients. (Not that anyone has ever used one)
  5. That is correct. It works fine in that direction. However, I wanted to merge the inset picture with its shadow and leave the background graphic alone. I think I will need to make my drop shadows differently, that is all. Maybe I'll use that drop shadow plugin.
  6. Like this: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2756
  7. You must upload your image to the web before you can include it in a post on this forum. Try using http://www.photobucket.com Then, once you have it uploaded you simply use the [img]yourimageurl[/img] tags to show the image in your post.
  8. I can see it not being possible for blending modes other than "normal", but I think it would be possible to compensate for layer transparency.
  9. BTW, when a layer has a blending mode other than Normal, the results of a Merge Down are similarly unpredictable. All I can say is, Rick, you better not remove this functionality from the final build just because it has an issue or two!!!
  10. ^ The 'a' is backwards! :shock: Possibly indicating that there are still bugs in the beta builds?
  11. Well, I don't like the fact that the current logo is not capitalized. I think it should be: Paint.net
  12. Yes, it is free for general use at an office. Just don't try to resell the program itself or include the Paint.NET executables in a commercial product--jpeg or gif, etc. are fine, just don't include the exe. (BTW, I don't speak for Rick or the Paint.NET team. AND, I'm not a lawer.)
  13. Try my feather plugin... http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2498
  14. OK, I ran into an interesting issue with the Merge Down function. Steps to reproduce: 1) Open a graphic 2) Load a new (smaller) graphic on a new layer 3) Duplicate that new layer and make the top layer invisible 4) In the middle layer, select the new graphic and press to fill it with black 5) Move selection 8 pixels down and 8 pixels to the right (using the arrows, and the move pixels tool) 6) Select the entire layer and Gaussian Blur (8). This should make a nice drop shadow. 7) Change the layer properties to 128 transparency 8) Make the top layer visible 9) Merge down the top layer into the shadow layer Notice how the graphic no longer looks the same! BTW, Image Flatten works properly. I think when merging onto a layer, every pixel on that layer must be adjusted based on the trasnparency setting of that layer BEFORE the new pixels are merged onto that layer. All I can say is, you better not remove this functionality from the final build just because it has an issue or two!!!
  15. Like this: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=53
  16. I guess that means you need to include them in the standard build...
  17. That's awesome! BTW what's GIS? Thanks! GIS = Google Image Search 8) I used it to find pictures of the hand holding a pencil, colored pencils, and the eraser.
  18. Your cursor doesn't have to be inside of the selection to move it. Just look for the cursor to change to the solid arrow, click and drag.
  19. Sounds like it works by design, then. As, everything else would be worse.
  20. Unfinished Blissness: Colored Pencils drawing done in Paint.NET 2.72 using the Toon filter, Feather filter, and GIS.
  21. Hi Rick. I'm not sure if this is by design or not, but it was interesting... Yesterday I went to put 2 Gradients on the same layer and this is what happened: 1) Select the gradient tool 2) Draw a gradient (nubs are still showing) 3) Move the mouse over to the other gradient type on the toolbar 3) Realize that I should "finalize" the first gradient before selecting the second type 4) With the mouse floating over the new gradient button, press Enter to "finalize" the first gradient. Notice that the first gradient is not finalized, but redrawn using the new gradient type as if I had clicked the mouse instead of pressing the enter key. It looks like you need to have the mouse out in the open in order to use Enter to finalize a gradient. I did a little research and discovered that this happens whenever the mouse is floating over the toolbar or the toolbox.
  22. OK, is Bokunic your married name or something? Apollo 1 Crew: Virgil I. Grissom Edward H. White II Roger B. Chaffee Backup Crew: Walter M. Schirra, Jr Donn F. Eisele Walter Cunningham Virgil "Gus" Grissom was my Dad's cousin, therefore he is (was?) a relative of mine, though I never met him, obviously. Then, that hardly makes him your sibling.
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