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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Yes, that was me. Here is the thread: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2533 Enjoy.
  2. Well, there is no easy/automatic way to do it. If you've tried the Clone/Stamp tool, I don't know what else to tell you.
  3. No need to up your own post (espically on the same day you posted it). Here, start by reading these two tutorials: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2977 http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2651
  4. The way I do it is to use the Clone/Stamp tool. If you have never used it, read the help file. It has some good examples on how to do it.
  5. Sure, here: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2498 Enjoy.
  6. Here is one way to add a halo to text: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/halo It works best if you don't anti-alias your text.
  7. Give us an example of what you want to do...
  8. Try following the instructions here: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... c&start=26
  9. Use "radial side" only AFTER you select the size you want the fade to be (using the selection tool). I usually use the circle selection tool and hold the shift key to constrain to a true circle.
  10. Well, do the same thing, but when it says to use the "square", choose "radial" instead. As you can see, the Gradient plugin can do many shapes: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2294
  11. Like this: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2298
  12. Rainshadow, your avatar is so blurry it makes my eyes water to look at it.
  13. The best suggestion I saw was to have the effects menu mimic the directory tree under the effects directory. You would store the effect dll's in directories under the effect directory of paint.net and paint.net would build the menu tree for you. Dll files in the effects root would be placed either in the effects root menu or where the developer specified in their code. CMD suggested it on this thread: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2687
  14. Picc84, I looked up "Irony" in the dictionary... it had a link to your post.
  15. OK, that fixed the bug. However, I can not say than nothing else was broken by the code change as I only spent 1 minute playing with everything else.
  16. You should be able to download the dll by simply right clicking on the following link and choose "Save Target As..." GridMaker.dll When the "Save As" dialog box comes up, select your Paint.net effects folder and store the dll there. After it is finished downloading, you should then, right click on the file using explorer and choose "Properties" from the menu. Click the "Unblock" button, then click OK. Run Paint.net and you should see the gridmaker plugin in the effects menu.
  17. Wo0t!!! Being a developer myself, one of my favorite phrases to say to the validation department is... "works on my machine." Anyway, I'm glad you can reproduce.
  18. I just ran the same steps on my other laptop and it works fine--i.e. can not reproduce the bug. 1024x768, XP Pro, Std taskbar 1Unit high at bottom of screen. PdN maximized. Hope this helps. But, like I said above, on my widescreen laptop it fails every time.
  19. Hmmm... I thought I had. Anyway, here is a page on my site that shows how to do it: http://www.boltbait.com/paint/delprimary.html
  20. I'm running XP Pro with the standard blue task bar at the bottom of the screen, one unit high. From my first post: My screen resolution is 1280x800 (widescreen laptop) and PdN was maximized. I'm running 3.0 Beta 3. I'm not sure what else to tell you other than it happens every time. EDIT: I edited a picture by right-clicking on it (it has the same dimentions) and changed the zoom to 100% and it worked just fine. In this case, the default 800x600 canvas is never created. I'm thinking it may have to do with the fact that the 800x600 original blank sheet fits just fine at 100% for "Window" and when I create a new document something fails to be initialized so the UI still thinks that 100% is Window.
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