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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. The 3.0 Gradiant tool can already do transparent fades using nubs. Oh, and you can't do "nubs" with effects, sorry.
  2. No problem, glad I could help! I'm not sure what you are asking here... :?
  3. barkbark00, a more natural looking sky can be made this way: 1) Start a new standard document, 800x600. 2) Select the following colors: Foreground: White, Background: 00A5FF. 3) Run the new Clouds plugin with default settings. 4) Click the menu Layers > Rotate/Zoom 5) Enter the following Fine Tune values: - Angle: 0 - Twist Angle: -90 - Twist Radius: 75 - XPan:0 - YPan: -0.190 6) Change the Zoom slider to 1.53x (or enough for the bottom edge of the sky to go all the way across the screen). 7) Click OK
  4. No, you must click the layer in the Layer docker window.
  5. BTW, for the workaround: you can also run in French if you turn the History window off...
  6. Sorry, actually it looks to me that you've used the zoom blur. That always makes my eyes go crazy.
  7. I'm running build 3.0.2525.34975 and I am not seeing this issue at all. I'm curious if there is some other thing involved here.
  8. Well, I downloaded Paint.NET 2.72 to a new machine and installed it. Then downloaded the DLL and ran Paint.NET. It did not load the effect. I clicked the "Unblock" button and ran Paint.NET again. This time the effect loaded just fine. If it was something else, I'm not sure. If you could programatically detect that and give the user a clue as to what's wrong, that would be awesome. But, I'm not holding my breath.
  9. I love it! Now, that's some realistic looking fire. And, not too hard to duplicate the effect either! Here is a Plugin that does the whole thing for you: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/11836-fire-plugin/
  10. You can keep this from happening by selecting the menu Window > Translucent.
  11. OK, I think I found the problem... Run explorer and go find the DLL in the effects folder. Right-click on the ReflectionFlat.dll and click "Properties" from the context menu. Click the "Unblock" button. This DLL is probably being blocked because it was downloaded from a web site. You may want to check your other DLL's also. BTW, this DLL works fine with 2.72 or 3.0 Beta.
  12. OK, read the help file under Clone/Stamp tool. In my sig, since the text is so large, it would be difficult (but not impossible). Hopefully, your image has small text and lots of surrounding area to work with...
  13. Perhaps if you showed us the picture that you want to remove the text from someone could help you. (It better be appropriate for posting here...) I'm thinking that the clone/stamp tool is going to be your best friend.
  14. Did you put the ZIP file or the DLL file in your Paint.NET/effects folder? (It needs to be the DLL file)
  15. That's not something that an effect can do. Effects have no capability to change selections, add layers, etc. I really wish that effects could (as part of their effect) create a new layer and put their results on that layer instead of the currently selected layer. But, I'm not sure Rick will ever let us do that.
  16. Actually, for an image like yours, the best way to do it is to use the circle selection tool to select the entire yin/yang symbol and do a Gaussian Blur(1). Normally, when making such a picture, you would have made the black areas and the white areas on separate layers. Then you could feather the white layer for your desired effect.
  17. First, learn how to use layers. Then, use the feather plugin.
  18. First, make sure layer B is "below" layer A. OK, the part of layer A that you want to be transparent, select it with one of the selection tools (square, circle, magic wand, etc.) and press the Delete key on your keyboard.
  19. Hellfire010, I thought a long time today about your request. It just doesn't make any sense to me. The whole purpose of this effect is to smooth out the edges of an object by fading the edges to transparent. You are asking me to do the same thing except using the secondary color instead of transparent. That wouldn't be useful at all! Feathering the edges of an object to white (for example) would just make the object harder to work with. Trust me, it is much better to put your object on its own layer and feather to transparent using the DLL that I've already provided.
  20. I suspect that you are setting the default before you are setting the min and max values. Is that it?
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