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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. korteck, Paint.NET version 3.0 has this feature.
  2. No, no one will resort back to 2.72 as Rick will make a new build of 3.0 before the 30th.
  3. Rick, When saving a layered image in a non-layered format (GIF, JPG, etc.) the image is automatically flattened during the save process. Can the save routines be modified so that it does an automatic Ctrl-Z (Undo) after the save completes so that the layers are restored? Thanks for listening...
  4. korteck, since you are not doing mission critical work in Paint.NET, I think you're safe to download the latest beta version. Since it is a beta version, you will need to keep it updated until the final version ships (sometime in February). To download the latest beta of 3.0, simply tell your updater to also download beta versions. You can find this option in your update menu. For what its worth, the latest 3.0 beta is pretty solid.
  5. Please show an example of before and after.
  6. Yes, Rick has published his plan to make 3.0 final by February.
  7. Perhaps your Roughness in the clouds effect is set too low. Try setting it near the middle instead of all the way on the left.
  8. Sounds like a PEBCAK problem to me. Perhaps you missed a step or didn't follow a step exactly as it was written. Try following the steps EXACTLY as written. If you don't understand a step, post your question on the thread in the tutorials forum.
  9. If you force me to drink a Mexican beer, I hope it would be a Pacifico. Normally I would drink Becks. Well, not really. Normally, I would drink Gewürztraminer (a nice white wine).
  10. Coriy, as I said in a previous post... Try it this way and see if it works.
  11. Nice tutorial. Here's my reproduction: barkbark00, I like yours as well.
  12. Yeah, I've noticed when zoomed in the nubs seem to grab the mouse when you don't feel that you're near them.
  13. You don't need to click and drag within the selection in order to move it. Just click and drag outside of your selection, away from your nubs.
  14. You can accomplish this by directly editing the palette file. Just click the Manage Color Paletts button in the color docker and select the Open Palettes Folder option. In that window, right-click in any open space and choose New > Text Document. Give it the name you want. Close that window. Click the Manage Color Palettes button again and chose your new Palette file. You should see a blank palette.
  15. Problem with that^ is that the script does not support brush widths.
  16. I liked the other one better. Maybe because the d20 was larger.
  17. You must know something I don't, because when I do that it messes the picture up. It is going to look a little weird until you do the rest of the steps. That's where screenshots really help...
  18. Paint.NET is an image editor, not a text editor. Once you finalize some text it becomes an image. As Hellfire010 suggests, keep your text on its own layer so that if you need to replace it in the future it will be fairly easy.
  19. Its working now. The Y is not reflecting right.
  20. Well, looking through the Tutorials section... Here's a tutorial on Changing a picture's background. Start with this one and use it to make several pictures. Then... Here's a tutorial on Making an animated GIF with Paint.NET. Use this to make your slide show. Hope this helps! BTW, you have a lot of work ahead of you, but don't be discouraged. You will learn a lot along the way. If you get stuck at a certain point, post up the picture and someone will try to help you.
  21. OK, show us the picture you want inside of an ornament, and show us a picture that someone else has done. Then, maybe someone here can help with a tutorial.
  22. OK, first you'll need to download and install the graphics program Paint.NET Go to http://www.getpaint.net and click the download link. Once you've done that, play with it for a while and then come back here and post your specific questions. Welcome to this board!
  23. I just get a "This page can not be displayed..." error message.
  24. The Gradient tool makes transparent fades by adjusting the alpha values, This I know. One thing though, Either your primary or secondary color will be added to the image. I do not want to add ANY color. What I want is SI's Transparent Fade with nub control. Not true. It may be a little strange when you first try it, but this is what you need to do: 1) Select the normal Black and White in the color docker. The colors don't matter as long as both alphas should are set to 255 (not transparent). 2) Click Gradient tool. Select Transparency Mode in the toolbar and you should be all set. 3) Draw a gradient on your top layer. Your bottom layer should show through... Notice that no color was added to your picture.
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