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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. This has come up before (just a few threads down from yours): http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=3252 Here is the thread Rick mentions above: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2687
  2. Rebelofdeath, I edited your post and changed it into a link. That GIF really is annoying.
  3. Yeah, its only 1 square gradient and 3 round gradients.
  4. Dropped... If you stare at the balls long enough, they seem to be slowly falling away from you...
  5. Can you provide a screen shot of the problem?
  6. You'll have to talk to Microsoft about that. However, you might want to just look at this registry key: HKLM/HARDWARE/DESCRIPTION/System/CentralProcessor/0 ~MHz That's where Windows gets the current running speed as shown in the "My Computer" property screen. (Not that it is too accurate...) BTW, it might also be handy to include the Identifier key from the same location (for people like me that like to run preproduction processors).
  7. That works pretty well until about 3.4 GHz for older CPU's Today's speedstep processors need a different algorithm. First, you need to defeat SS... (which is getting harder and harder each new core)
  8. No inline assembly required... BTW, I work on this tool: http://support.intel.com/support/processors/tools/piu/
  9. Codelab is another plugin. You can find it here: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=1096 Or, you can download an updated codelab here: http://www.BoltBait.com/pdn/CodeLab
  10. Thanks! I really don't want to change the slider on the DLL as it would become too hard to use. But, if you look on page 2 of this thread, you will see the following Codelab script: void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { int GridSize = 32; PdnRegion selectionRegion = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds); for(int y = rect.Top; y { for (int x = rect.Left; x { if (selectionRegion.IsVisible(x, y)) { bool Odd = true; if ( ((x/GridSize) % 2) == 0) Odd = false; if ( ((y/GridSize) % 2) == 0) Odd = !Odd; if ( Odd ) dst[x,y] = EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor; } } } } Just put this into codelab and change the GridSize variable from 32 to your desired size.
  11. I think I might have one photochop where I ask the student to edit themselves into a famous scene of history. Heh. I would love to see the last supper with all the students from my class.
  12. Well, he's obviously on a non-English OS, so his screen metrics may be tweeked somewhat (like large fonts mode) and his system font may be different.
  13. Well, I'm putting the final touches on the syllabus tonight, so there is still time to get your project ideas in.
  14. You are correct, my screen is at 96 dpi. I redid my expirement by creating a 8 inch tall canvas with 72dpi. I placed a 72 point X on it 8 times (one on top of another creating a column of X's) and 8 X's reached from the top to the bottom of the canvas. However, even if my canvas was 8 inches tall at 96 dpi, shouldn't 8 X's at 72 point still reach from the top to the bottom as 72 point = 1 inch (regardless of how many pixels are in that inch)? For example, a 72 point headline in a newspaper is 1 inch tall even though newspapers are printed at 1250 dpi (same for magazines at 2540 dpi). From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_%28typography%29 "there are ... 72 points to the inch."
  15. I am only giving you an idea. I do not have your source image to do a proper edit.
  16. I like the idea of coloring a B&W image, but I think Codelab is going to be over their heads. I might have them run prewritten scripts, but developing their own is waaaay over their heads. We meet once per week, on Fridays, for 13 weeks. I think starting on week 2, I will also assign the students a weekly "photochop" so that they can exercise their imaginations. Maybe I could start with "Bliss" as I have MANY excellent examples to show them how its done!
  17. Perhaps you could show us an example of what you mean and why you think the text is too big. It seems a little small to me. I just open PdN and put some 72 point text on it. At 100% view the text was only 0.75 inches tall (measured on my monitor screen). At 72 point, a capital X should be exactly one inch tall.
  18. I believe he got it from here: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=1411
  19. Any ideas for smaller projects just to teach concepts (like you said, 'layers')?
  20. Both good ideas. GreenNova, this is only a 1 semester course, so I was thinking of doing that for a final project. Oh, and I'm a real easy grader: Me: Let me see your homework Student: Here it is... its kinda lame... Me: Looks good to me. 100%. Student: Sweet!
  21. So, starting on Friday, I will be teaching a high school class on using Paint.NET. The general subject is Photo Editing and Image Creation. I'm looking for ideas for homework assignments. The students will most likely all be beginners. I need your help. I'm looking for 1-2 sentence descriptions for homework assignment projects. I've been looking through the Tutorials section for ideas, but what do you think? What kind of hell do you think I should put these students through?
  22. I also moved the M and the K to make it look more realistic. (If you don't see that change, you'll need to refresh your browser. I just updated the graphic.) Do you know how hard it is to work without the original?
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