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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. The only thing I find irritating is that PdN will make new layers with the same names as other layers. If that could be avoided I'd be happy. I find that I usually don't look at the layer names too much unless I'm working on a difficult piece. And, in that case, I usually name my layers myself anyway.
  2. OK, I have made another large update to CodeLab. You can now specify a menu icon, and a submenu name for your built DLL's. Here is a screen shot of CodeLab just after pressing the Make DLL button and selecting an icon: Oops! Where'd that screenshot go? You can download the new dll here: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/codelab By the way, if you store your PNG file (with the same name as your .cs file) in the C:/Program Files/Paint.NET/Effects folder, the dialog box will pick them up for you automatically. Oh, and I fixed a bug where CodeLab would not report errors while building a DLL. And, with that, I think I've implemented just about everything people have asked for. So, I'll be publishing the source code soon. EDIT: Hmmm... wonder if I could set it up to support some type of UI creation...
  3. Whenever you make an image smaller, you're going to lose detail, I don't care what program you use. Depending on the image type, you can choose several different options when resizing an image. Each type is for specific types of images. Just try them all out to see which one works best for you. Resize this way: Image > Resize Choose your Resampling method.
  4. Google Image Search for snow... copy, paste, done.
  5. You can already do this exact thing. Just make your window smaller, then move your dockers outside (to the right) of your Paint.NET window. Then, move your tools window outside (to the left) of your window.
  6. Aron, I think you're looking for the Pictorium (two threads down).
  7. Haha! You are running the worst theme ever. Probably that is what's causing the problem. Try turning that off and see what happens.
  8. I have split this thread into two parts. All talk about drawing curved shapes was moved here: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=3464 Now, MadJik is the topic starter for that one and he can manage it.
  9. You could also only rotate the inside 'stuff' and draw the outline later.
  10. Wait! I got votes?! My "entries" were just jokes. They were not supposed to get votes!
  11. Everything is fine : I've opened the project with VS C# (express version). I press F6, "built success"... This source shows me how much I need to learn about C#. I have some technics but if I don't know the words... Thanks a lot! MadJik, as you look through the source code, read this thread: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... 4136#24136 Bob, I checked out that site, but I really couldn't get anything out of it. :? Perhaps it is because I don't speak French? :idea:
  12. Create a new layer. Draw on that layer. Adjust layer properties and set transparency down...
  13. There is all ready a way to make the history window completely transparent until you need it... F6 Same for layers window... F7 And the color window... F8
  14. Yes, Bob, I know how to do it, however, this effect was compiled using CodeLab and therefore does not have a built-in icon. When I finish making changes to CodeLab that allows icons to be used, I will recompile this effect with the icon shown above. I just need to find some time to do it. BTW, I've done the research and believe that I know what needs to be done to CodeLab... I just wish there were more hours in the day...
  15. It does not. The fact is, an effect can not change how much is selected.
  16. Read this post: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2762 or this one: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=3225 That should help you.
  17. Talk about "brief" OK, I've used this to build a couple of effects now so I thought I'd give the list of steps I use when creating an effect. Before I begin, I use CodeLab to perfect the effect. Believe me, that is sooo much easier than compiling each time you want to try something. Once I have a working CodeLab script and an idea of what kind of controls I want in the user interface (UI), I follow this list (I'm going to be brief since I figure that if you've read this far, you already know what you're doing): Create the project using EffectsPlugin template under C# - name the project what the dll should be called. When the project opens, fix the project references - point them to the current install of Paint.NET Edit EffectPlugin.cs and change the menu display name. Use Paint.NET to create a 16x16 PNG icon - save and overwrite the existing icon file. Build the project - this will create the UI design view Open EffectsConfigDialog.cs (Design view) Add any controls needed for the UI Double-click on a new control and add "FinishtokenUpdate();" to the function. Repeat this for all new controls. Open EffectPluginToken.cs and add any desired variables--one for each UI element. Be sure to make them public. Set their default values in the constructor (base). Edit copyMe and add "this.variable = copyMe.variable;" for each of the variables. Open EffectPluginConfigDialog.cs (code view) and update function InitTokenFromDialog to save the UI information to the token variables. Then, update function InitDialogFromToken to initialize the UI with information from the token variables. Edit EffectPlugin.cs and port over the render function from the CodeLab script. Build, install, and test the new DLL - the new DLL is located in the project's Bin/Debug folder. Be sure to compile for release before posting the final DLL file to the web. Sepcot, I would recommend the following changes to your template: Add the code from my project listed above to your template for adding the effect to a submenu. There is some code and the reference to it. The OK and Cancel buttons should be anchored bottom & right instead of top & left. Add a "// place your public variables here" and "// set your default values here" to the token file. Add a few "using" lines to open up access to various controls (like I did in the project linked above.) Nice template, by the way! Thanks!
  18. I probably won't release the source code to this effect--after all, it won't live longer than the next release of Paint.NET However, if you want to see how I did it, check out this thread: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2580 After all, I used your template to create the UI. 8)
  19. Since you asked, in the first post, I have added a link to the VS2005 souce code. Please let me know if there are not enough files included to build the project.
  20. Absolutely fixable. Actually, when the user is drawing stars, I change the line ends to be more pointed. This looks really good for stars with lots of points, but apparantly, not so good for less points. I just had to delete a couple of lines of code, recompile, upload... Try updating your dll now.
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