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Everything posted by Maximilian

  1. Congrats to winners and thanks to voters, reppers, and hosts. Sorry for your sad loss, Drew. Hope to see you back soon.
  2. I believe a bit of extra tweaking on the last one may render a cool hat for Santa
  3. Nice kitty. Good choice of background colors and the frame design looks both cute and innovative
  4. Oh, yes, I remember I saw those the other day. Quite psychedelic as well
  5. Looks like a scanning device from a sci-fi movie
  6. Follows a chibi version of Superman also done entirely in PdN. Chibi characters also belong to the anime/manga culture, with the peculiarity that chibi characters are created so that they look small, cute, and childlike.
  7. My very first vertical siggie featuring an anime Santa done entirely in PdN. Belated season's greetings to everyone!
  8. Remarkable additions! I especially like the first two scenes, and much especially the one with the dragons
  9. Happy new year to you as well, Shochi! Nice video btw!
  10. These are Yuzuriha and Shion, two characters from Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas. For this piece I developed a technique to turn an anime still —usually colored, since anime is made for TV— into its black and white counterpart similar to what is seen in manga —because manga pictures are usually black and white so as to be printed in magazines at a relatively low cost, with soft shadings or crosshatchings where lighting is needed. This is the anime capture used as source. The result would be more manga-like if the sky were grayish, but I chose to depart from the norm and use a bluish sky for contrast.
  11. No problem, I got the point and I'm also aware of the difficulties While I was experimenting with other things, I discovered a method to turn an anime picture into its manga version and below is the result, which I thought would be interesting to show. Anime tends to be colored because it's intended for TV broadcasting, whereas manga is intended to be printed in magazines at lower costs than those of the TV industry and therefore tends to be black and white with subtle shades or crosshatchings. I believe the shading turned out pretty acceptable and thought it worthy enough for a second entry in the contest: I believe you've done a pretty nice job, very manga-like, with blacks and whites and gray shades. The shorter hair came out nicely too
  12. It's also posted in the contest thread
  13. I suggest that you post your creation anyway, MJW. It can't be that bad and I'm sure you must have put some worthy effort on it, so I think it deserves a view and why not a rep Other than that, I apologize for making things hard this time around. I'll try to choose a more doable theme next time.
  14. The guy's name is Dohko, a character from the manga and anime series Saint Seiya which probably most of you never heard of (I understand the series wasn't very popular in English-speaking countries, though it remains a classic in Japan, France, and much of Latin America). The tiger —done with TR's SplineMaster and colored with Red's Gradients Galore— is tattooed on his back and has lots to do with his power (called cosmos in the series). All PdN, both faces done by hand based on two stills from the anime only for reference. Hope you like it
  15. Perhaps it's my fault this time. I think I've chosen a rather difficult or unpopular theme.
  16. I dare say that what we have here is the only available version. I installed the DLL in January, 2011 and my installation tells me I also have version 2.1.0 created in July, 2010 Perhaps we do have the latest version released but the author forgot to change the version number when compiling
  17. Is it all PdN? Looks like a realistic pencil sketch!
  18. Thanks, Drew! Get well soon, Pixey!
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