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Everything posted by ReMake

  1. hooddy, I have made offers on translation into Russian in 4 hours after the publication of release. Visit more often to crowdin and use function of search there at any changes.
  2. Levels - A How to and Basic Understanding (Now a PDF!) (use the second link in the first post).
  3. Also it is very realistic and is expressive! Thank you.
  4. In addition to the above - Lines/Grid effect.
  5. I have just visited to Postimage. All my images is right.
  6. Great! paint.net became more 'fast'. The Russian version is more informative now. Thank You Rick for your efforts and your hard work for all admirers of paint.net.
  7. Предлагаю русскоязычным пользователям продолжить эту тему. С большим уважением отношусь к человеку, осуществившему перевод более чем 1200 строк текста. Это огромная работа. Тем не менее, пришло время внести некоторые коррективы в перевод. Если у вас есть какие-либо предложения по изменению текстов или вы заметили неточности перевода, пишите в эту тему. Я или hooddy будем оперативно вносить предложения разработчику (мы оба приглашены им в проект paint.net на crowdin.com - сайте, где размещаются переводы). Давайте сделаем paint.net дружелюбным вместе!
  8. This is strange. Link in the first post is still available for me. This file is an attachment in the getpaint.net site and must be available for all: https://forums.getpaint.net/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=11989 EDIT: I have just called to my friend. He isn't registered on the website, but was able to download this effect from the first post without problems.
  9. For keywords this is done easily and simply: [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("coordinates|grid|map|orthonormal|координаты|карта|сетка")]
  10. Why? Just click on the link AverageEdgeBlur.zip in the first post.
  11. CodeLab 2.24 in Russian You can find the new version of CodeLab in Russian here. Вы можете найти новую версию CodeLab на русском языке здесь.
  12. CodeLab 2.23 in Russian You can find the new version of CodeLab in Russian here. Вы можете найти новую версию CodeLab на русском языке здесь.
  13. CodeLab 2.22 in Russian You can find the new version of CodeLab in Russian here. Вы можете найти новую версию CodeLab на русском языке здесь.
  14. Maybe this will help? <data name="SettingsDialog.UI.DisplayName" xml:space="preserve"> <value>Интерфейс</value> <data name="SettingsDialog.UI.Overscroll.Description" xml:space="preserve"> <value>Прокрутка за пределами изображения</value> <data name="SettingsDialog.UI.SmoothMouseInput.Description" xml:space="preserve"> <value>Сглаживание ввода мышью</value> </data> <data name="SettingsDialog.UI.SmoothMouseInput.Footnote" xml:space="preserve"> <value>Отключите это, если вы видите большие вертикальные и горизонтальные артефакты при рисовании.</value> </data>
  15. Coffee with honey? I never tried. Winnie-the-Pooh carries a honey in the pot for the friend's birthday.
  16. CodeLab in Russian is the recompiled translation of the original (English) CodeLab version. I think multi-language may be achieved using .xml, or .ini files, but there can be problems with the size of dialog boxes for different lengths of words in different languages. Interesting idea though.
  17. CodeLab 2.21 in Russian You can find the new version of CodeLab in Russian here. Вы можете найти новую версию CodeLab на русском языке здесь.
  18. CodeLab 2.20 in Russian You can find the new version of CodeLab in Russian here. Вы можете найти новую версию CodeLab на русском языке здесь.
  19. @raeanana, I think Gradient Mapping and Presets for Gradient Mapping (Pop_Art, for example) can help you. See also Portrait in HOPE manner as an example of the use of Gradient Mapping.
  20. Thank you very much, ingwer! I admire your video and your ability to present material.
  21. I'm not an expert in the creating of websites. Near me my friend sits, he isn't registered on this website and he get the same message, as you. We both have different providers. I propose in the first post to place the attachment zip-file instead of specifying the link to it. I hope it will correct a situation. P.S. Zip files are still available to me from both sources. P.P.S. Yes, the file isn't load from FireFox unlike the Opera or Yandex browsers. When I have executed 'Sign In' in FireFox, the both zip-files became available for download for me.
  22. This is strange. The file is loaded for me.
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