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◄Photo Manipulation Contest► Discussion (#7)

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I love the photo manipulation contest, it's fun and a great way to keep learning. It seems I've missed the last two. Partly I have been busy but this last one came and went so fast. The last few days I have had trouble getting to the forum and when I have it has not lasted long before I would get an error message. It is always fun viewing everyones post. This one looks like it would have been fun. Sorry I missed it.


"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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The last few days I have had trouble getting to the forum and when I have it has not lasted long before I would get an error message.

I think the forums crashed for everyone. And yeah - this contest went by fast - I'm still only halfway through my board...

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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Me too... :cry:

I need some inspiration! [goes off to listen to some tunes]

I was planning on doing a few of these billboard things but I never got around to it. If anyone wants the few ideas I throw out go for it. Well it seems some of the newer billboards are digital and Im assuming less hassle free. (thats why they invented them of course) so i was thinking about making one with the BSOD on it, yeah funny ..err well i think so. And assuming everyone here plays video games now and then, and if you managed a billboard size tv, why wouldnt you want to hook up your xbox 360 to it and play sum good ol halo 3. i was going to get a screen shot of halo being played on 4 player split screen and apply it to the board. practical or stupid? (who cares its ideas)

sweet board jake2k. or whomever the one with the portal gun belongs to.

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You can't contradict Valve, or Aperture for that matter.

(technically, Aperture claims the dake isn't a lie as well, so I kind of contradicted myself :P )

Nice ideas - that would have been cool.

Stealing from that, I would stick in a road, a car, and a kid with a controller wire going all the way from the posterboard to the car. hehe... I dunno. :lol:

EDIT: Wow, you edited your post...

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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You can't contradict Valve, or Aperture for that matter.

(technically, Aperture claims the dake isn't a lie as well, so I kind of contradicted myself :P )

Nice ideas - that would have been cool.

Stealing from that, I would stick in a road, a car, and a kid with a controller wire going all the way from the posterboard to the car. hehe... I dunno. :lol:

EDIT: Wow, you edited your post...

haha yeah it sounded stupid at the moment so i took it off.

but yeah the cake is not a lie.

its chocolate with strawberries on it.

lol @ the cord idea.

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Oh my goodness -- it could be a commercial making fun of a couple of years ago before wireless controllers - you know saying their controllers will now work, beacuse of the whole - "no wire hanging out of a car, impeding you from moving down the street thing"

LOl, I just took this too far :P

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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Oh my goodness -- it could be a commercial making fun of a couple of years ago before wireless controllers - you know saying their controllers will now work, beacuse of the whole - "no wire hanging out of a car, impeding you from moving down the street thing"

LOl, I just took this too far :P

yeah im lost. please collaborate and explain. lol.

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let me draw you up a pic, hold on till I edit...

Here we are (brace yourself for a scary picture):


See what I mean?

Is that what you meant?

Am I totally wrong, and should just let this die out?

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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Because the kid can finally connect to the billboard without having his parents not be able to drive the car forward. (I know reception would die, but it's just the idea).

It would be an advertisment - like

"Are you stuck with a wire plugged into videogame sytems" ---> points to the billboard

"Well with a wireless controller, you can connect without the hassle" ---> Family drives off, while the kid plays the game from an increasing distance...which now that I thnk about it, doesn't make sense. :lol:

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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I think you need to change the last one a bit :)


^Click to visit my Flickr Gallery^

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How about a screenshot of PdN for thw next??

There could be many possibilty's for a manipulation.

You could redesign the whole look of pdn with icons and title bars, extra windows, extra tools.

An ad for it, like the one where ash had the PDA thing, (i think).

Thats just my thoughts

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How about a screenshot of PdN for thw next??

There could be many possibilty's for a manipulation.

You could redesign the whole look of pdn with icons and title bars, extra windows, extra tools.

That would fall under skinning. In fact, the MSC has already had a PDN skinning competition.

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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But that's not really a photo manipulation, since it's not a photo. An example of what I would consider a real photo manipulation is my signature.

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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Thats just like Pimp My Ride, which has been done already.

So who that mean my idea is no good ?

My idea was not to "pimp" the car as the car is already "pimped" but to do the designs and color of it as it has no color what so ever were they did not get it all done yet.


How about another car one. I found some cool looking japanese vans or as there called on the website Japanese Gangster Cars. The 4th pic on the page would be perfect for editing as it has no color yet.

Japanese Gangster Cars

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