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World's Universal Gallery (Sonic Screwdriver 1/18)


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@Nab 007--Thanks :D I like how you're gallery is coming along btw :)

@Hlnl--Yay my work was called awesome :) The trail is just a zoom blurred yellow patch color burned over a twist layer


New update! The first in two somewhat weeks. My work with Mandelbrot Fractal increases with three new wallpapers. Enjoy and leave feedback :D

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Heheh... I'm back! Miss me? :P

With all my homework, etc. I haven't had much time to make stuff (even though I surf the forums constantly)

Small update, but they're quite good in my opinion. Both wallpapers were made using the Julia Fractal and PI :D


Leave a comment if you want. I have 500+ hits and not many comments :?

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"I have 500+ hits and not many comments" i know... how you feel...

Great job on the new wallpapers! My fave is the first one because I can see it has a lot of potential (cloth, curtains, any fabrics)

They both look really good, I just wish they were a bit bigger -- great job otherwise!


"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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New May update!

-New banner (I had to cut myself out of a photo and pasted myself into an older picture from here: http://www.mqhchurch.net/images/IM000094.JPG It used to be bigger, but it seems that someone resized it. I also had to lasso select my trench coat and recolor it a bit to the right certain hue which I liked and should be a familiar color to Doctor Who fans :wink: )

-Exprimenting with a really aged piece of paper effect. Used the original size from the banner: th_ID.png

and turned it into this: th_OLDid.png

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@Jannetsue & Simple--Thanks :D I thought cloud work was too simple, but it really does give a good outcome :wink:


Asteroid update! It's quite realistic in my opinion. I used the same method used for the asteroid on making the moon too. I thought I would create another copy without the red on the front so you could see the full texture of the asteroid :wink: Everything is completely PdN! All comments welcome :)

th_ASTEROIDspace.png th_ASTEROIDtoearth.png

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More space work! I really want to figure out how to make a good Earth without using stock (for some reason I love to challenge myself by not using stock, which is why most of my work are rarely photo manips or stuff with stock). I'm open to any tips on that front. Other than that, I like the moon texture on my second one though, so I'm happy I guess. Open to all comments! :D


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Well, I finished the Earth (Somehow, I completely forgot about Shape3D! :?I was wondering why Earth was looking kinda funky in the beginning XD) , but I don't think I'll have the time this week to put it in the full piece I wanna make (too many tests :( :evil: ) For now, I'll post this up to show. I'll probably be dead for this week so until then, please enjoy! All comments welcome :D


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I've got a terrible mindblock :evil: Sorry, I really have no inspiration, so I made a few photo-manips using the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. Yeah, I know. I don't particularly like doing photo-manips but it's allI can do for now :(

Here's the original:


Now here's one I used with a combo of pencil sketch, a paper texture (clouds+emboss), and pastel. All brought together with different blending modes to make it look a painted scene: th_Verrazano2.png

Then I turned it to night: th_Verrazanonight.png

Then I turned it to hell :twisted: : th_VHell.png

My images sorta shrunk :evil: I musta hit the wrong setting for the reduction....when I have free time I'll re-upload them. If anyone's got any ideas for me to make, I'll hapily take them :?

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Thanks ZizOiz :) (commenting on a lot right now, eh? :wink: )

All images now restored to their larger glory! :D

Oh yeah, I forgot one. I really like this paining effect:




Nice perspective eh? It's actually from a split second photo as I was driven underneath the bridge. I intended to get a pic of the bottom of it, but this perspective is just fine too :P

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