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great stuff buzzkill. I love the green, and I gotta say, the one with the moon in is my definite favourite I think. That or the 13th one down.

Edit: and I just noticed that the 12th one down has a green mist that actually moves along the bottom. Creepy O.o

Very nice born2kill... reminds me of something but I cant quite put my finger on it.

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Buzzkill, maybe you should make a sig which says something other than "Buzzkill" all day >_<... Like a cool phrase. Mine are weird... Here's one I made:


My new sig ^_^. My friend says Itachi is old T_T.

i believe itachi is now 20 years old.
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lol thanks picc84 if you want to have it i will actually let you have it since I do not enjoy it as much and so I have decided to create the world greatest signiture in the whole universe ever. Its a work in progress and may take several years to compltes but it will be worth it.

13_15_4_14_1_18 lol also hi chris. I know your real name. I am here to apologise again since I just realised how absolutly terrible the drawing i did for you actually is. I apologise and please do not judge me I have been plying world of warcrft too much. I have decided to attempt the same drawing again to give you a more enjoyable drawing which will help me aswell since my confidence levels are low in that most things I do are critisied and made fun of so I am sorry. Watch this topic!!!! omg do it/.

I would also lastly like to repeat here that if mr rick leader guiy of paint.net would DARE tO SEND ME A PHOTO OF HIS REAL LIFE SELF i would love to draw him. If he is shy like a camel i would be happier than jesus to keep the photo confidential like I did with chris and I would only show people the cartoon version. I do not think that my previous drawings of him are accurate enough to produce some kind of accurate description of his real life appearace please rick! I will even send you some candy by mail if it it will persuade you.

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I would also lastly like to repeat here that if mr rick leader guiy of paint.net would DARE tO SEND ME A PHOTO OF HIS REAL LIFE SELF i would love to draw him. If he is shy like a camel i would be happier than jesus to keep the photo confidential like I did with chris and I would only show people the cartoon version. I do not think that my previous drawings of him are accurate enough to produce some kind of accurate description of his real life appearace please rick! I will even send you some candy by mail if it it will persuade you.

... actually the earlier likeness you had of me wasn't too far off. You know, the one from the "versus squirrel" and/or "George" images.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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somethin i did right now.. in about 15 min.. i used 100% PdN and 100% the brush tool xD i was bored so.. it's not as good as usual.. xD but i like it since it was the first time that i actualy drew on PdN.. here it is


and this is the coloured version... also 100% brush =P added some layers and colored them using the "multiply" blend mode.. still i think the black'n white is better.. i'm not good at colouring... anyway here it is


hope u like it =)

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nope :P i wish i had 1... it would hav been a lot easier.. haha i just like to draw a lot.. 13_15_4_14_1_18 tks x)

oh and sry if my english is not 100% correct.. as you may know i'm portuguese :P

oh and btw.. here's somethin i did a couple of weeks ago..

this time featuring 100% MSPaint :)

im REALY sorry by the size of the images... i just don't know how to make them smaller x\

Edited by Rick to remove 1.4 MB image -- way too big!

EDIT: ok done.. here it is.. i think it's ok now


P.S - Trickman es de onde? ja agora xD

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Hey guys, I've been using Paint.NET for about 2 years and finally joined the forum today! I think it is an awesome piece of software and I use it pretty much every day. I have used it to make sigs/avatars and website logos and banners. Big thanks to the guys who put this software together.

Here are a few bits I've done all with Paint.NET






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im REALY sorry by the size of the images... i just don't know how to make them smaller x\

Save as a JPEG or PNG. I've removed the image until you can post a smaller one -- 1.4 MB is way too big.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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