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*Finished* SOTW #1 (Easter) Congrats to BuzzKill!

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SOTW Rules

1. Max sig dimensions are 500x100

2. No crude/offensive language, pics, etc.

3. Sig must follow the set theme.

4. Only one entry per person and you cant make any modifications after submitting your entry.

***This thread is for posting your entries only, if you want to talk about one of the entries you can do so here.***

If your entry breaks any of the rules it will be disqualified.

The theme is Easter and the deadline is April 16 so get started and have fun!


Voting starts now and ends in 3 days (20th)

To vote for someone please type the name of the person in bold

Again there is no discussion in this thread, to talk about anything please do so here.

Good luck to everyone who entered and thanks for making the first PDN sotw a success!


^Click to visit my Flickr Gallery^

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This sig is created from scratch in PDN. The only outside image used was the photo of my face which I put onto the egg to look like I was part of the coloring of it. I decided not to use 3d programs to do this one to see what I could get out of PDN without it.


When in doubt, Try it out.


I made this sig file using http://www.anim8or.com and making all of the textures with http://www.getpaint.net

I love freeware.

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v An excellent open–source strategy game—highly recommended.


"I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?"

"For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment..."

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