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Making a moon


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Awesome results, everyone! Glad people are enjoying this tutorial :)

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Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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  • 3 months later...

Kitty Soules , nice "lumppy-ness" , light to dark gradation is well done.  At another time, some stars would help offset the monochromatic feel of the background.

Regardless, I like the work, keep sending in more.getsmileyCAN54UAK.gif


Goonfella  well executed moon. a9d6fd58.gif the combination with your prior earth is stunning.

 I'll have to give your technique a try.....as soon as I figure out the original tuit (No, it is not the tuit -its me pudgy fingers and small brain)


cweber54 well done on both, your "earth" shows a very fine since of color and glow-wild background too.

Edited by Scooter


  Age is only  a number --in my case a Really BIG number, but there you have it

When the prefect paint.net image is created, I will still be wondering "How they Do that?"- sigh☺️


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Did mine just now. Took some time to follow and yes, superb work on the texture of this. I also followed your suggestion to use Lens plugin. I guess Shape3D's a bit overrated for the planets and moons thing.

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  • 1 year later...

My quest through the tutorials continues. I'm almost done with Creations.

I followed Parts 1 & 2 of the tutorial. I like the rocky texture and I think it will be useful for all sorts. I got lazy and did not follow Part 3. I used Shape3D instead and a transparency gradient.

I made the starry background and cosmic clouds using the techniques on the Polished Spacescapes tutorial.




EDIT: Re-posted the image. This time the right version 😁

Edited by Djisves
wrong image
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