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Making Polished Spacescapes v2 [Image heavy]


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Okay, here is another way to make Spacescapes like this:


Plugins you will need:


Diagonal Lines

(Dents is part of PDN)

Align Object or find a newer version in this pack KrisVDM's Plugin Pack

Zoom Blur Deluxe

- - - - - -

1. Your Background

Okay, Start with a new layer [your own Wallpaper size] and add Noise with these settings:

Intensity: 100

Color Sat.: 0 [or 20]

Coverage: 3.5



Make another Layer :LayersAddNewLayer: and add Noise with same Settings. Use Gaussian Blur :BlurEffect: Radius: 1 or 2.

Set the Opacity to 120 and Blendmode to Glow



Duplicate you first Layer :WindowLayers: and apply Frosted Glass plugin :FrostedGlassEffect: : Maximum/Minimum Scatter Radius: 0.11

Smoothness: 1



Erase a curve :EraserTool: on your "Frosted" Image [thx Lego, but I'm too lazy to fix he image yet -_-]:


Merge your Layers down :LayersMergeLayerDown:


2. Your Planets [Quiet similar to Withers]

If you don't want to modulate the Shape 3D Setting yourself, Load this XML in:





Add new Layer :LayersAddNewLayer: Take a color by your choice and fill the new Layer :EditFillSelection:.


Apply Shape 3D:

Take a scaling as you like it



Make some Clouds :CloudsEffect: on a new layer :LayersAddNewLayer: [default settings]


Mode: Glow, Overlay, Multiply [choose an alternative]

Apply Shape3D again with same settings.



Add a new layer :LayersAddNewLayer: add Noise :AddNoiseEffect: add Gaussian Blur Radius: 2-3 [depend on your Planet Size] :BlurEffect:

Switch to a "Planet layer" select all space out of your Planet :MagicWandTool:.

Switch back to your "Blurred Noise Layer" press DEL to delete.

Blendingmode: Overlay

Opacity: 255



Add a new Layer between your last Planet layer and Background again :LayersAddNewLayer:

Switch to a "Planet layer" select all space out of your Planet :MagicWandTool: and press CTRL+I to invert selection :EditInvertSelection:.

Fill selection with White [or another light color] :EditFillSelection:.

Add Gaussian blur, radius: around 15 :BlurEffect:.



Now move your white blurred circle 1px left and 1px down [or where the lightning of planet is] :MoveTool:.


Blendingmode: Normal

Opacity: 180



3. The new cosmical Clouds

So, add a new layer as always :LayersAddNewLayer:

Set primary color Black, secondary color Transparent 100%

Do clouds with settings:

Scale: 380 - 650

Roughness: 0.50 - 0.80



Do it three times, set Blendings:

First Cloud Layer:

Mode: Color dodge

Opacity: 255

Second Cloud Layer:

Mode: Multiply

Opacity: 159

Third Cloud Layer.

Mode: Multiply

Opacity: 255



Well then? - Yes! :AddNewLayer: :LayersAddNewLayer::roll:

So now Press B for Paintbrush :PaintBrushTool:.

Take a large size: 60++

Color anywhere.

Pick a Second Color, lower your Size



Use Gaussian Blur radius: ~35 :BlurEffect:

Take another color, lower your size, add :BlurEffect: radius: ~30.

Take another color, lower your size [or don't do it], add :BlurEffect: radius: ~25, again.

Do this a couple of times, till you got this:


A last Blur :BlurEffect: around 135.


Switch Blendmode to Lighten, Opacity to 80

Do this "Clouds" again and again, till you like it.

Set all layer Blendmodes to Lighten and Opacity to 80



Than add a new layer :LayersAddNewLayer:

Make Diagonal Lines:

Scanline Interval: 25

Brush Width: 2

Anti-Alias: 5

Angle: 45



Use Dents plugin.


Scale: 55

Amount: 50

Quality: 5


Detail: 70-100

Roughness: 50

Turbulence: 10-20

#Rest as Default


Blendmode: Overlay

Opacity: 90


To light up your Clouds, paint :PaintBrushTool: them and use Gaussian Blur radius: 135 :BlurEffect:


Blendmode: Overlay

Opacity: 255


Okay now there is a problem and it's very ugly!


to clear it we need to edit our Starscape again:

Duplicate the Starscape layer and set Blendmode to overlay:



But now there are only a few stars...

so we will add some new:

Add new layer :LayersAddNewLayer:

Add Noise :AddNoiseEffect::

Intensity: 100

Saturation: 0-10

Coverage: 100

Add Frosted Glass :FrostedGlassEffect:

Maximum/Minimum Scatter Radius: 200

Smoothness: 1

Blendmode: Normal

Opacity: 30



Yeah, that's a cosmos, isn't it?


4. The second Planet

Read above [second chapter] to see the specific way, here is just a conspectus



Take your Second planet behind the first and move it away.

Do a transparent Gradient :LinearGradient: :LinearClampedGradient: :AlphaChannelOnly: :GradientAlphaOnlyTrue: on your First Planets atmosphere, to get a better look.



5. The huge Fireball.

Okay now we will add our Sun.

Make a new layer on top :LayersAddNewLayer:.

Make a Paintbrush Dot in the Middle [use Align Object] Radius: 15-25 :PaintBrushTool:



Use Frosted Glass Plugin :FrostedGlassEffect:

Maximum Scatter Radius: ~7.78

Minimum Scatter Radius: 0.00

Smoothness: 2



Use Zoom Blur Deluxe, set amount to highest and quality to high

Duplicate layer CTRL + F

Duplicate layer CTRL + F, again

Merge the two lower Sun-Layers down



Move your two layers to an edge of your planet :MoveTool:

Deactivate the top layer

Make an Transparent Conical Gradient :ConicalGradient::AlphaChannelOnly: :GradientAlphaOnlyTrue: on your lower layer.

Blendmode: Screen

Opacity: 255



Switch to upper layer and make another Transparent Linear Gradient :LinearClampedGradient: :AlphaChannelOnly: :GradientAlphaOnlyTrue:

Blendmode: Additive

Opacity: 255



Add a new layer behind your planets :LayersAddNewLayer:

Draw an white filled Eclipse with Paintbrush tool :PaintBrushTool:



Do Gaussian Blur Radius: 15-25 :BlurEffect:

Blendmode: Normal

Opacity: 90



5. Finally you are done.

That's it.

here is your Result:


It looks pretty well, I think

I memorized all Icons, now :lol:

Feel free to post your try.

Feel free to correct my English .

Feel free to post suggestions [like how to get a Sun behind the planets].

Started to make this Tutorial: 9:00 PM; finished: 12:31 PM

Thanks MediaMonkey for playing music all the time.

Have Phun.


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Suggestion: Crop your screenshots down to an area of interest. That makes for a faster load. :-)


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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I mean crop them before you post them.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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