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Wish List

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Here are some things that I would like to see in Paint.net. Feel free to shout loudly if they already exist, but I just haven't found them. Or if you would find any of these things useful too.

1. A SIMPLE shape tool similar to the built-in rectangle, rounded rectangle, circle and freeform shape tool that you can draw anywhere on your canvas. Something you don't need a mathematics degree to use. Something like Microsoft now have in MSPaint.

2. The ability to move these simple shapes, once drawn, with the mouse before finally positioning them to where you want it. Like MSPaint.

3. Some nice brushes like Microsoft now have in MSPaint. i.e. Caligraphy brushes (2 of them), Airbrush, Oil brush, Crayon, Marker, Natural Pencil, Watercolour brush. Some of these may be in Paint.net as effects, but I would like to draw with them.

4. The option for the shapes to be drawn and/or filled with any of these brushes, just like in MSPaint.

5. The option to rotate a selection (rather than the whole layer) by a specified number of degrees, not just 90, 180, 270, I would like anything from 1 to 359, clockwise and anti-clockwise. I know I can right-click on a selection and rotate it by hand, but what if I wanted just the selection rotated by exactly 35 degrees?

6. Ad Hoc Custom Brushes, just like in MSPaint, as explained here - http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/tutorial/mspaint and an example in the attached image.

I am sorry if some of these things are already available already, but I just haven't been able to find them. Please forgive me as I am still new to Paint.net. No doubt somebody will even tell me why these things are not in Paint.net too.

I mentioned that I was new, right?


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Hi, most, if not all, of the things you asked for are all ready implemented in some way or another. Here's how:

1. Shapes can already be drawn in paint.NET by using the designated tools for these found on the sidebar on the left of the screen. Holding shift whilst dragging the mouse will keep the dimensions of said shapes proportional.

2. This can be achieved by using Layers.

3. Brushes can be used thanks to Simon Brown's Custom Brushes Plugin

4. See above

5. This can be achieved by going to the "Layers" drop down menu and selecting "Rotate/Zoom"

6. I'm not sure what you mean but chances are that Simon Brown's Custom Brushes Plugin covers it.

Edited by Sfifer


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1. Shapes can already be drawn in paint.NET by using the designated tools for these found on the sidebar on the left of the screen.

I think he's referring to the "Free Form Selection Tool" (if I understood his question correctly) as was discussed here:


If this is the case, as the link above points out, Rick is planning on adding it for 4.0

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Hi, most, if not all, of the things you asked for are all ready implemented in some way or another. Here's how:

1. Shapes can already be drawn in paint.NET by using the designated tools for these found on the sidebar on the left of the screen. Holding shift whilst dragging the mouse will keep the dimensions of said shapes proportional.

2. This can be achieved by using Layers.

3. Brushes can be used thanks to Simon Brown's Custom Brushes Plugin

4. See above

5. This can be achieved by going to the "Layers" drop down menu and selecting "Rotate/Zoom"

6. I'm not sure what you mean but chances are that Simon Brown's Custom Brushes Plugin covers it.

1. Yes I did say similar to those that are already built in, but what about equilatural triangles, right-angle triangles, diamonds, pentagons, hexagons, arrows, 4-pointed stars, 5 pointed stars, 6 pointed stars, rounded rectaglular callout, oval callout, cloud callout, heart, and lightning?

2. Yes, I realize it can be done by using layers, but if for example I wanted to put fifty stars on a flag, I wouldn't want to have to use a layer each time I want to put a new star on, I would want tojust draw the star and position it simply with the maouse, just like in MSPaint.

3. I have Simon Brown's custom brush plug in, but no brushes as this involves the need for photoshop brushes (which I can get) and another program called abrviewer, which I am unable to get at present as one link to it is broken and I get a 404, and the other just does nothing (but this may be my ISP) So I will look into this further when I can. But it would be nice to have some other brush types built in.

4. see above

5. Yes, I know this can be achieved on the "Layers" menu, but that rotates the whole layer, and I seem to remember mentioning that I didn't want to rotate the whole layer, just a selection.

6. If you checked out the link I posted and my image that was attached with an example, you would know what I meant. And I am sure that Simon Brown's plug in doesn't do ad hoc (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hoc) custom brushes.

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I think he's referring to the "Free Form Selection Tool" (if I understood his question correctly) as was discussed here:


If this is the case, as the link above points out, Rick is planning on adding it for 4.0

It's muct more than just that. The image I attached shows all the default shapes that MSPaint now offers.

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2. Yes, I realize it can be done by using layers, but if for example I wanted to put fifty stars on a flag, I wouldn't want to have to use a layer each time I want to put a new star on, I would want to just draw the star and position it simply with the mouse, just like in MSPaint.

Actually, you wouldn't need a layer each time. So long as your star is selected on the layer you are working, once the first one is in the position you need/want/desire, simply copy it and then paste it. The resulting pasted image then clones ontop of the first and is now the newly selected image. At this point, move it to it's destination and repeat the process. The layering is not duplicated, but you will need to repeat the copy and paste several times.

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Actually, you wouldn't need a layer each time. So long as your star is selected on the layer you are working, once the first one is in the position you need/want/desire, simply copy it and then paste it. The resulting pasted image then clones ontop of the first and is now the newly selected image. At this point, move it to it's destination and repeat the process. The layering is not duplicated, but you will need to repeat the copy and paste several times.

Suppose I wanted to put 50 stars of varying size and points on a flag?This can be done fairly easily in MSPaint, and Paint.net is overall a much better product.

Edited by JadedLemon
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Suppose I wanted to put 50 stars of varying size and points on a flag?This can be done fairly easily in MSPaint, and Paint.net is overall a much better product.

When you copy the star, simply grab the little circles in each corner or the center of the horizontal or vertical of the selection outline and then move your mouse to resize as desired.

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When you copy the star, simply grab the little circles in each corner or the center of the horizontal or vertical of the selection outline and then move your mouse to resize as desired.

I think I shall have to concede this point to you. It is difficulty trying to explain the functionality that MSPaint now offers, and justify at the same time.

It was only a Wish List after all, not a moan. I really do feel that Paint.net is superior in many respects, but I guess with some of the simple things I am just used to the simple functionality that is found in MSPaint.

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I think I shall have to concede this point to you. It is difficulty trying to explain the functionality that MSPaint now offers, and justify at the same time.

It was only a Wish List after all, not a moan. I really do feel that Paint.net is superior in many respects, but I guess with some of the simple things I am just used to the simple functionality that is found in MSPaint.

Even in the Adobe world, most people still rely on a range of tools to accomplish various tasks. For instance, PDN is not a vector graphics program, but can be used to work with things created in one to create "new things" ...

Though most of the ideas have to be shared out in one way or the other to spur development ideas for those willing to implement. Hence why this is a forum to discuss this and that. Only problem is the method of wanting to help out like with Jim is lacking thousands upon thousands of words and images to keep it from feeling like a point to point battle. :mrgreen: Not picking on you or Jim mind you. That's just the rub with forums.


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Even in the Adobe world, most people still rely on a range of tools to accomplish various tasks. For instance, PDN is not a vector graphics program, but can be used to work with things created in one to create "new things" ...

Though most of the ideas have to be shared out in one way or the other to spur development ideas for those willing to implement. Hence why this is a forum to discuss this and that. Only problem is the method of wanting to help out like with Jim is lacking thousands upon thousands of words and images to keep it from feeling like a point to point battle. :mrgreen: Not picking on you or Jim mind you. That's just the rub with forums.

I also appreciate that sometimes simple to use does not always mean simple to build.

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Simply put, that is afterall, the intent of MSPaint: To be simplistic and limited- afterall they're trying to get the most for their investment as well.

No harm, no foul. We're simply responding to your concerns and am trying to emphasize that when we all migrate from some of the simpler things in order to accomplish greater things we need to learn some new things (and try not to become disheartened by it).

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not to be mean or anything, but... if you like all those tools in mspaint, why complain here instead of using mspaint? I mean, after every point you say: as in MSPaint. I don't see the point of that... PDN is and will always be a great program which I love to use...

But I do agree with you about the brushes, for example: if you lower the transparency of a color, and paint with it, it's not a smooth line, but you can see dot over dot kind of... or, if you would like to create something which looks like an waterpaint painting you will need more tools than just a brush to create that effect...

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not to be mean or anything, but... if you like all those tools in mspaint, why complain here instead of using mspaint? I mean, after every point you say: as in MSPaint. I don't see the point of that... PDN is and will always be a great program which I love to use...

But I do agree with you about the brushes, for example: if you lower the transparency of a color, and paint with it, it's not a smooth line, but you can see dot over dot kind of... or, if you would like to create something which looks like an waterpaint painting you will need more tools than just a brush to create that effect...

I wasn't complaining. It was a wish list not complaining, The reason I kept refering to MSPaint is because that is the only other graphics tool that I am familiar with and it has all of those options other than the rotating by a specified number of degrees. And yes I do use MSPaint still, but still feel it would be nice to have the same simple functionality in Paint.net.

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I wasn't complaining. It was a wish list not complaining, The reason I kept refering to MSPaint is because that is the only other graphics tool that I am familiar with and it has all of those options other than the rotating by a specified number of degrees. And yes I do use MSPaint still, but still feel it would be nice to have the same simple functionality in Paint.net.

Sorry, but this is disingenuous. By pointing out anything is technically a complaint (a mark of dissatisfaction). Otherwise you'd have no issues.

But that aside, it is impossible to have simple. If you wish to add the functionality of a forklift to your car, it inherently would no longer be simple in terms of how your car exist currently. The structure and controls would all change to accomodate new features. You would now need to memorize new steps to take advantage of these capabilities as well as trade off on other things like the added weight to the vehicle necessary for a forklift to counterweight the load.

But note also this. You are inherently dissatisfied with MSPaint because it is, as I pointed out, simplistic by design and as a result limited in its capabilities. You can't have it both ways, it is impoossible. The more features MSPaint adds, the more bloated it too becomes and you then have to learn how to use those capabilities.

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Sorry, but this is disingenuous. By pointing out anything is technically a complaint (a mark of dissatisfaction). Otherwise you'd have no issues.

But that aside, it is impossible to have simple. If you wish to add the functionality of a forklift to your car, it inherently would no longer be simple in terms of how your car exist currently. The structure and controls would all change to accomodate new features. You would now need to memorize new steps to take advantage of these capabilities as well as trade off on other things like the added weight to the vehicle necessary for a forklift to counterweight the load.

But note also this. You are inherently dissatisfied with MSPaint because it is, as I pointed out, simplistic by design and as a result limited in its capabilities. You can't have it both ways, it is impoossible. The more features MSPaint adds, the more bloated it too becomes and you then have to learn how to use those capabilities.

It's a wish list. I was not pointing out any dissatisfact whatsoever. I am NOT dissatisfied with Paint.net. I have NO issues with paint.net. I just thought I would mention a few nice to have options. This in no way implies any dissatisfaction whatsoever. If I bought a car and were to say it would be cool to have a two-tone horn, that does not imply that I am dissatisfied with the car. I can see that I instead of posting to the forums I should have just mailed my wish list to Santa, maybe I would have received a more reasonable response.

Did I mention that it was only a Wish List?

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It's a wish list. I was not pointing out any dissatisfact whatsoever. I am NOT dissatisfied with Paint.net. I have NO issues with paint.net. I just thought I would mention a few nice to have options. This in no way implies any dissatisfaction whatsoever. If I bought a car and were to say it would be cool to have a two-tone horn, that does not imply that I am dissatisfied with the car. I can see that I instead of posting to the forums I should have just mailed my wish list to Santa, maybe I would have received a more reasonable response.

Did I mention that it was only a Wish List?

I don't know why you're interpretting this as a sort of bashing (yes, that's how I interpret "...instead of posting..I should have mailed...Santa")

There obviously is some disconnect in the communication here. Let's see if I can break this down logically (not emotionally):

A "wish list" simply put is a desire for more (you yourself point out "it would be cool to have..." in your example above - hence a desire). Antonyms for the word "desire" are: aversion, disgust, dislike, distaste, hate, hatred, and repulsion. (but don't take my word for it: http://thesaurus.com/browse/desire )

So, in order to have a desire, and hence a wish list, you must have a distaste or disliking (to some degree) for the current situation. You desire more or a change from the way things are. To this end, I've already tried to point out you cannot add more and still maintain the same simplicity.


Let me apologize. This discussion seems to have gone a bit off-track. My intent was not at all to attack you, but merely clarify and help you.

As I said, it seems to have gone off-track, and for that I apologize.

I tried to explain the pros and cons in regards to your inquiry, and I tried to explain it's simply a case of needing to learn (or relearn) some things. Beyond that, I do not know what more I can say. Again my apologies.

Edited by jim100361
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I don't know why you're interpretting this as a sort of bashing (yes, that's how I interpret "...instead of posting..I should have mailed...Santa")

There obviously is some disconnect in the communication here. Let's see if I can break this down logically (not emotionally):

A "wish list" simply put is a desire for more (you yourself point out "it would be cool to have..." in your example above - hence a desire). Antonyms for the word "desire" are: aversion, disgust, dislike, distaste, hate, hatred, and repulsion. (but don't take my word for it: http://thesaurus.com/browse/desire )

So, in order to have a desire, and hence a wish list, you must have a distaste or disliking (to some degree) for the current situation. You desire more or a change from the way things are. To this end, I've already tried to point out you cannot add more and still maintain the same simplicity.

Lol. To have a desire for something does not in any way shape or form imply a distaste or dislike for the status quo. If I say I would like a black car does not mean I don't like white cars or that I think white cars are inferior (not to mention all the other colours, as there are more than just black and white). A desire does not mean that the antonym of the word is also felt. Amazon have a wish list function on their website, does this mean that if I add a new book by my favourite author to the wish list, that I did not like his previous book or was in any way dissatisfied by it? If your argument had any logic then that would be the case.

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Rick is planning some very exciting changes to the shapes in v4.0 boltbait.wink.png

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3. I have Simon Brown's custom brush plug in, but no brushes as this involves the need for photoshop brushes (which I can get) and another program called abrviewer, which I am unable to get at present as one link to it is broken and I get a 404, and the other just does nothing (but this may be my ISP) So I will look into this further when I can. But it would be nice to have some other brush types built in.

I could be wrong but I think you can just make a brush by saving a shape as .png file then directing the plugin to it.

Hope that helps ;)


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Some of these are in the popular feature requests already, so some wishes will be fulfilled soon.

While I do realize this was merely a wish list, the only person who can truly make them happen the way you want is Rick. The best everyone else can do for you is provide information on current workarounds. We aren't criticizing in any way, we are simply explaining other ways to achieve the same effect while we all wait for our favorite developer to make our dreams come true ;)

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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