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Layer Help

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When I add a image to my background my background shrinks to the top left hand corner of canvas. I have been trying to do this every night for a week now and held out posting until I gave up. Also when I try to paste an image I get a message saying I don't have enough memory (I have 20 GB of memory free). I tried to find Pleska plugin for adding from file but could not find it. Any help would be appreciated.

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Hi Califlarry, welcome to the forum!

When I add a image to my background my background shrinks to the top left hand corner of canvas.

That's because the image you're importing is much larger than the original you're working on. When you import it you're given options to:

1. Increase canvas size (to contain the larger image)


2. Keep canvas size.

You need to do the latter and then resize the layer down so it fits with your original canvas.

When I try to paste an image I get a message saying I don't have enough memory

It's not lying - you don't have enough memory. How big is the image and how many layers?

I tried to find Pleska plugin for adding from file but could not find it.

You'll find a link to the Plugin Index in my signature. Plugins are listed by name and author. The one you're looking for is called "Photo Flood Fill"

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It sounds like when you copy and paste an image, it's bigger than the canvas, it will "shrink" the ones you are trying to work with. What I would do is open each image individually, resize them as necessary through Image>Resize, and put both of them together in a new file on separate layers.

I'm hoping that it was helpful, the question sounded a bit ambiguous.

Edit: Beaten by EER. :D

Edited by Lance McKnight

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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When I add a image to my background my background shrinks to the top left hand corner of canvas. I have been trying to do this every night for a week now and held out posting until I gave up. Also when I try to paste an image I get a message saying I don't have enough memory (I have 20 GB of memory free). I tried to find Pleska plugin for adding from file but could not find it. Any help would be appreciated.

I think you are getting RAM and disk space mixed up...usually, we say memory when referring to RAM. It would take a lot of layers or a really really big image (or both) to eat up 20 GB of RAM

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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When I add a image to my background my background shrinks to the top left hand corner of canvas. I have been trying to do this every night for a week now and held out posting until I gave up. Also when I try to paste an image I get a message saying I don't have enough memory (I have 20 GB of memory free). I tried to find Pleska plugin for adding from file but could not find it. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks for the help I finally accomplished something. You said I would have two choices when I add my image but I don't see these choices. Where are they displayed? Should my concern be keeping my canvas always the exact size? Can this be done automatically every time I add an image?

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If you are working with dissimilar source sizing, you have to adjust one way or the other.

The end resulting canvas size doesn't have to be your starting size. Many of the people I've gotten advice from work on these things in pieces and composite the results into the canvas size of their choosing. Usually with the idea of going from larger to smaller of course.

If you are using the layer import feature it will automatically up-size your canvas.

If you are pasting a larger image from the clipboard than your current canvas size you should be seeing this: th_pasteresizedialog.png

Though if your system is having other issues with memory, etc the program may or may not behave as expected.

Edited by delpart


Gallery at PDN-Fans

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