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Glowy Swirl Tutorial


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How to Make a Glowy Swirl


Plugins you will need:

Align Object

Sine Waves

1. Fill your background layer with black and make a new layer. Set your primary color to white, and your secondary color FULLY TRANSPARENT.


2. On this new layer, make a radial gradient with the colors you chose and align in to the center using align object.


3. Set your primary color to a different color, and make a layer UNDER the white circle you made. Make another bigger radial gradient and align it to the center.


4. Set your primary color to a darker color than your previous color, and do the same thing.


5. Merge all of your circle layers, and press CONTROL + A to select everything and switch the the :MoveTool: tool and make it smaller, and a little longer. Mess around with different widths and lengths.


6. Align it to the center and run Distort > Sine Waves. Make the amplitude higher, but don't mess with anything else.


7. Run Distort > Twist. Make the size big, and don't twist it that much.


Repeat this process a bunch of times and you can get something like this:


Also, see if you can get something like this:



Edited by flip
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Too simple of a tutorial.

I don't know if I fully agree. However, I feel that this is better aimed at Newbs and not the experienced user, so it's off to the Newbie Playground!

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I agree with EER I think its a nice tut. There used to be one ages ago very similar in the old pictorium pages (not with sin waves though) ..... but that person hasn't been around for a dogs age, and I think the images died out even before the old pictorium bit the dust. .

I actually use this method quite a bit.

ciao OMA

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Removed image due to broken links.

Created this last year around this time of the year. I simply used line tool, sine waves, and Shape 3D to twist the line. Duplicated the layer, rotated/zoom it, and duplicated the layer again. It was basically repeat the duplication, rotating the layer. That's why I said it was too simple of a tutorial. Anybody with a decent brains can figure out what to do. Sorry for sounding harsh.

Edited for removal of image so I would not trash this thread and upsetting flip's internal balance with a broken image link.

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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...Plus, noobs don't have decent brains...

They do too! They are just a little ....empty :lol: They need to be filled with the experiences you can only get from using PDN daily for a few months. Things like this tut might look easy to some of us, but open our world to the new user.

This tut very clearly and simply explains a technique that will be new to many. I like it more and more.

@Briamoth: That is very nice 8)

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...Plus, noobs don't have decent brains...

They do too! They are just a little ....empty :lol: They need to be filled with the experiences you can only get from using PDN daily for a few months.

Hey, I resemble that remark! :lol:

This is a fun tutorial. I could play with it for hours. Oh wait, I just did. :)



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...Plus, noobs don't have decent brains...

They do too! They are just a little ....empty :lol: They need to be filled with the experiences you can only get from using PDN daily for a few months.

Well if we weren't nice people would quit coming to this forum. Nice simple tutorial by the way. Learning simple things are great foundations for learning and becoming a better artist. Keep up the good work flip. Also there are some nice outcomes in this thread by the way. Plus we must feed the noobs so they will grow out of the noob stage into the artist stage.


"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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  • 4 weeks later...

Really great tutorial, flip!

I don't think I'm a noob. I've been using pdn for about 2 years now.

Anyways, here's my outcome.



Thundering Everywhere


Expect the unexpected

-Some Clumsy dude

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Well here's my first post.... Hopefully I used "enough brains"

Pretty cool tut Flip. Easy to follow instructions. Maybe the "Advanced users" might find it Elementary, but as a noob it was very helpful. I can see where I will be using this very technique quite a bit.

Here's my shot at it :wink:



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Hey Guys and Gals! new here

I recently got paint and its great im doing the tutorials one by one to get more familiar and was wondering Schism how you did that hexagon pattern and faded it out?

hanks for this tutorials :D

I'm pretty new here myself, so lets hope I can explain without lookin too dumb :roll:

The way I did it was I made the bottom layer with the Hexagonal grid plug in. Then I placed another layer over it and cut out an oval. After I cut out the oval I used Gausain Blur to make the oval fade out.

Hope this makes sense. I'm not sure I know much more than you do. I just started using paint myself. Hope that helps.


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