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Lance McKnight

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Be careful shouting, pal. It might rupture someone's ear drums and it's a rule breaker. If you need help with PDN, check out the array of tutorials we have here, or consult the help file. This is a very extremely friendly forum where people are more than happy to help you out.

Very nice, although the flames along the wings don`t look quite right and there are a few jaggies around the centre piece . I like the spotlight effect though. Nice work :wink:

Yeah I thought so too. Suggestion on how I could fix the flames? I used an abstract brush to do that, played with Color Balance, Color Filter, Glow, Smudge, and changed the layer properties to Glow. *ears perked for a wise advice*

you should make a fuller, that would make the sword looks way much better.

I'm not quite understanding what you are saying. For one thing, your sentence is fragmented, and I'm scratching my head. Drop me a PM to explain it fully. I don't mean to be rude.

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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that sure is coming along nicely. the flames are a nice touch. maybe a bit of yellow and white and the littlest tinniest amount of blue in the flames will give the contrast you need to make it look sizzling hot.



I bow in reverence of the great Oma. Good advice and good idea there, grandma. :wink:

Yup. Oma has some good advice. Otherwise, I think it's slammin' good!! :P

Slamming good! All righty, then I'm on the right!

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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Ahhhhh!! It's getting so close... But you might want to still put the coat of arms in there, mate. (Yes, I DID agree with goonfella)

Yeah I figured you agreed with Goonie. To tell you the truth, that is something I plan on working eventually, as soon as I am finished with the piece I'm working on.

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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I gotcha, Welsh. That was something I tried to do at first and didn't liked it. It made the seal stand out nakedly, if you catch my drift, and I decided to keep the flame touching the seal. But maybe with a bit of subtle tweak here and there, I might make it better. Thanks for the tip.

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I know, I know, I know...

I promised to make a new project regarding my above and forementioned post, but I saw this tut on Abduzeedo and I just had to try it. I thought it turned out fairly well, if not accurately as close as that image, but close.

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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Am I SUPPOSED to be impressed?

Cause I am, good work! :lol:

It took me 30 seconds to realize you were complimenting me. Thanks.

It's breath-taking. Nice job once again. :)

Thank you. The tut was done using Pixelmator which is a really nice software. Too bad it's for Mac. But, it looks remarkably similar to PDN.

good job on that last image. looks remarkably similar to the auroa borealis I see from my living room window on a cold eve.

only thing missing is the musical dance the skylights often do. (perhaps sinwaves :wink: )



PS love the flames in the sword picture.

To tell you the truth, I had been entertaining the thought of experimenting with line/sine waves, motion blur, and Outline Object to create something. When I have the chance I will work on it. Thank you for the compliment for my sword pic. As I have said in your gallery, I would love to know how you did the sword. That's something I would like to master.

Superb!. How about putting it on a background pic so it looks as if you are standing there looking up at it? I think that would finish it off nicely.

Yeah, and then somebody will fall out of his chair trying to look up at the sky. :lol: Perspective is tough for me to achieve, to tell you the truth, but doable.

Darn, my typing hands are cramping up.

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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@ Welshblue, I'm not a lover of pink either. I was following the tut I mentioned above, and it turned out fairly decent. Not a WOW factor, but just enough to get people to give me a pat on the back.



Here's my promised work a new coat of arm WIP. I am experimenting with chrome this time. And it's not done, so check as often as you wish to see its progress.

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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