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Everything posted by nitenurse79

  1. Cool sig Schnicka - 1 Nice work pdnnoob - 2
  2. Also when resizing, make sure you tick the "maintain aspect ratio" box in the image resize menu
  3. Why can some peole on here break the 800x600 px rule:/ ? as always jim100361 manages to do what HE wants on here. The rules should apply to everyone. Nebies get shot in flames, but jim is allowed to post what he wants and where ever he wants to do it. High time I left here, good bye all of you.
  4. @jallen - thanks for the feedback. I did have a problem creating an ideal sun, I have a few variations but this one seemed the best. Yours is pretty neat too, very moody. @yellowman - I have lens flare plug in, but it did not like the effect, I tried with less stars and it looked bland. I may do another one just to try a new take on it
  5. Would this Night vision plugin be close to what you need ?
  6. Just stumbled upon this tut, well written, easy to follow :star: :star: heres mine;
  7. Is the color due to the scanning stage or have they become slightly faded due to age? Also, do you scan your images using windows live photo gallery or directly into paint.net? I ask this because I used to scan old photo's and often found that different programs on different settings (at the pre-scan stage) would influence the result. I am sure you have tried different settings but just thought I would ask. I wish I could help you further, if you do manage to find a solution, please share
  8. I used Magic wand set to 30% to erase the off-white background, a quick play around with curves and then hue / saturation+ finally I added a new layer, moved it under the image layer and using paint bucket to fill with white finally I flattened the image. Is this something like it?
  9. @RedBeard, that is awesome :star: :star: and a too
  10. Not 100% sure about the language option, but plugins need to be downloaded individually, they are not part of a whole package, but created by individual writers. To download the plugins you would need to go to the plugin index click HERE Welcome to the forums by the way
  11. No offence jim, but would your moon benefit with some dark side? like the new one in my gallery
  12. I started out with a yellow background, then I selected a water picture and impoted that into a new layer ,next I set the blend mode to overlay on the water layer, flattend the image and ran shape 3D, using strong light (I have saved the setting for this as a xml file for other uses) . On picture #1 I used outline object and gaussian blur on 17. On picture #2 I left out the blur & outline steps. You could also add another layer after you have run shape 3D to add more yellow (using a brush too and blur) to add more sun flare to it too. Example #1 Example #2 Hope this is of some help for you
  13. Very cool Reason for edit - my link was broken.
  14. Ok, thank you for that. I don't think I would be delving deeper yet
  15. Thank jim & delpart @jim, that is one funky looking machine
  16. Very good work for someone who is new to it keep it up, your work is stunning.
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