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Red ochre

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Everything posted by Red ochre

  1. 1. Perhaps 32 sub divisions is too much? Twelfths (for feet and inches) will be useful. Inches seem to be subdivided into 16ths on rulers quite commonly too. 2. Yes, imperial units can be a pain but feet and inches are still easier to visualize on a human scale for most people, I think. Personally I wouldn't bother showing the half inch marks as numbers, just a longer marker as used at the quarter inch points. 3 & 4. Sounds good. Certainly easier than photographing a real ruler with a real object to show scale. Enough problems with depth of field already! Many thanks!
  2. This is a really useful idea for a plugin! Many thanks kcharney and toe_head2001 (looks good!) Requests: 1. Could 'Marker Sub-units' go higher. For example, if using feet then 12ths (inches) would be more logical. If using inches then up to 1/32 could be useful. 2. Could 'Ruler Max' be a double in the Sub-units specified? So it would be possible to make a ruler say 3feet 4 inches long. Perhaps a double slider with a checkbox to restrict to int values could work. 3. Using Primary and Secondary color values instead of black and white could make it more versatile too...e.g. for a transparent background change secondary opacity before running it. 4. 'Render' SubMenu eventually? - (E.E.R, TR and myself often use the SubMenuName "Test" to keep things tidy at concept stage).
  3. You could swap to the lasso select and hit the delete key to erase linework, to avoid anti-aliased edges from the eraser.
  4. In addition to the explanations above, I find it useful to keep a spare (.png) copy of any 'objects' I have laboriously cut from their backgrounds. Either keep these in a separate folder, well named, or keep on an 'invisible' layer within the .pdn file (inside the canvas bounds). That way you always have an un-clipped copy for later editing. Welcome to the forum too!
  5. Well done for reporting the bug cpyap, I'm sure Rick (the developer) is grateful for the feedback. Welcome to the forum too! - It's not normally hostile, perhaps regular users are just a little 'over-protective' of their favourite graphics software.
  6. Sadly on medium sized images and new hardware too. It is very off putting when trying to accurately move/resize a selection. I guess it's just the way things work now.
  7. I doubt kbarni is still visiting the forum, so not too much point in posting this?. (I was using it within a selection). Shame, as it is a useful effect. Thanks for posting the code, I may try to squash some bugs at some point. File: C:\Program Files\NEWpdn\Effects\kb_lens.dll Effect Name: PaintDotNet.Effects.UserScript Full error message: PaintDotNet.WorkerThreadException: Worker thread threw an exception ---> System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  8. Well done to all the winners and competitors! Great to see such a high number and quality of entries. Thanks for hosting duties Drew and my apologies to all, I forgot to vote again.
  9. Hi Flymaster8, welcome to the forum! The first thing I would do is open each of the photos separately and resize them to a similar size and save with a different name, (to avoid overwriting the originals). To resize, use the 'Image/Resize' (at the top) and give them the same d.p.i. (dots per inch)- normally 96 d.p.i. for screen or 300 d.p.i. if printing. Then open a new Pdn file (File/new), make this much bigger than your largest photo. Then use 'Layers/import from file' to bring each image in on a new layer, they can then easily be moved with the move tool. When finished first save as a Pdn file (so you can re-edit it later), then flatten and save as a .png or .jpeg file. By the way pressing the F1 key when Pdn is open will take you to the documentation which has useful explanations of how the layers and tools work
  10. The kitten says "no", but I think you've earned your thousandth rep!
  11. Downloading now. Thanks for the update TR (and thanks Anthony + looking forward to that dynamic brush too ).
  12. I like the 'laser' light beams coming out of the gem too! Perhaps explore the laser idea more?... some 'pink panther' like security device (laser beam broken, alarms sound)? Or if they are glints of light try spectrum colours in the light 'flares'? Great the way it is though! (but agree with Lynxster about AA'ing the edges) - Good to see what you are coming up with - thanks for posting it! Edit: The edges look better now.
  13. Good work Nai! I'm glad you found some of the techniques useful and thanks for posting the image.
  14. The chimneys look great! Is that from just one morphed photo?
  15. And thank you Seerose! Wonderfully colourful background and great use of the plugin for the text.
  16. The new music pack is excellent - thank you! (nice Strat') edit: only 5 machine heads but I guess that's artistic license, or J.H. has been smashing it into the M stack.
  17. That's brilliant Seerose! I really like what you have done and the pink gradient border gives it an ethereal feel. Many thanks for posting the image. Cool new 'sig' too!
  18. The method Dipstick suggests does work (but with diagonal lines to get a helix). However it's very tricky to get them to line up correctly to make a seemless helix in shape3D. I must experiment more with that method to get the right starting image.
  19. Good colour combinations Seerose! Very harmonious
  20. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/29450-two-tone-threshold-new-30th-july-2014/ Set Primary and Secondary colors before running 'Two tone threshold', then choose them in the drop down list.
  21. Looks cool Maximilian - mesmerising - Thank you! You're very good with animations.
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