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Posts posted by Manc

  1. 30 minutes ago, Pixey said:

    Technically one should not use, because of copyright laws, images from the internet, unless one has permission.  Lots of people have found sites online where you can use images with no problem.


    The SOTW rules says this:


    "Don't violate copyright laws with found images; links to source images would be courteous."


    Many of us on here use non made-in PDN images and then show the link below the entry, as it's allowable in the Signature of the Week :)



    Thanks @Pixey and @toe_head2001

    I think all the textures I use are free to use.

    I don't use anything with a watermark.

    Any images I use in the future I will link.



  2. 15 hours ago, toe_head2001 said:

    A few years ago, I wrote some guidelines for citing your sources.  I'll try to find it later.


    EDIT:  I can't what I was looking for, but it's a good practice to link to your source images.

    I've sorted it with the gangster pic

    Does that mean I should do it with textures too?

    If so, I'm gonna be very busy.🙃

  3. 1 hour ago, ANONYMISS said:

    SOTW # 233


    It took less than  10 seconds to find this.

    Cool cat ... or copycat?



    manc crib 1.jpg






    Obviously I copied it.

    So what?, That's what the internet is for.

    It's called 'Photo Manipulation'.

    Do you really think anyone would think I made this image.

    Took you ten seconds to find image, I found it in five seconds.

    I reckon 'Cool Cat'.



    • Like 1
  4. 46 minutes ago, Ladybug said:


    @Manc you did *** the words in your entry but I understand you are trying to follow the rules.  Funny, before I even read it I though of the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre in Chicago, in the 1920's. I find Mafia stuff fascinating although of course, crime is crime.

    Your right @Ladybug. Thought it might not be family friendly.

    I thought of the massacre myself. 1929.

    Reminds me of a great film. 'Some like it hot', Classic.😉

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  5. 32 minutes ago, lynxster4 said:


    🤣   Rorschach test

    Is that what they're called? No wonder I couldn't remember the name.🙃

    The good news is, by what we four saw, neither of us are psychopaths.😂 

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  6. Thanks @Ladybug, @lynxster4 and @Pixey.

    Ladybug, the goblet is made with a blue marble texture and setting the layer to 'Overlay'.

    I see two of you see an Owl, lynx sees an Octopus, I see a Teddy bear.

    Think it's like one of those cards that psychologists use.

    Every body sees something different.🙃

  7. Are you really from Lancashire?

    Nice to know we are both Northerners.

    I don't know the answer to your question. 


    Are you winding me up? Your not from Lancs you barmpot.🙃

    Actually, one of my exes thought I was a manchurian, til, I pointed out I'm not from 'Mongolia.😁



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