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Posts posted by Manc

  1. I had never touched any sort of photo editing software until about 8 months ago when I decided to give my non-profit group's newsletter some pizazz and I have fallen in LOVE with Paint.NET! Now I'm a manager on the graphics team for our national site! I've added a few fonts, and just today braved adding some plug-ins. My issue is this:

    Our official fonts are Baby Boston and Arial. I love Baby Boston, but am having some issues with sharpness. Especially white text on dark background, but really it's sharpness overall. It can appear pixilated, and non of my teammates (who all use photoshop elements) seem to have this problem. Can someone please help me figure this out? The stuff we do is very simple, so this is really bugging me. Here's an example:


    I know it sounds obvious,but have you tried,Effects+Photo+Sharpen?

  2. I need to resize and crop an image to a certain size frequently. I took a look at pyrochild's ScriptLab, but it doesn't seem to support these features. Is there any way I can automate this in Paint.net? I know I could use other programs like IrfanView, but I really like Paint.Net and would like to use it for everything.



    If that doesn't help use.http://www.getpaint.net/search.html.boltbait.wink.png

  3. Is there one where you can make the same words of the words ontop of it but flipped and faded abit?

    Duplicate text layer,then flip vertical,move text into position using (move selected pixels)tool.Then set transparency to (transparency mode).Left click mouse and drag down over bottom text,duplicated image.Merge layers when done.

  4. Ok, I know I'm slow...I started at 8:30am off and on I finished at 7:15pm. hehehehe

    But here's what I came up with. I just wanted it done before the NCAA tourney started.

    As you all can see I have yet to master ANY of the tools...but hey, I'm trying. Not too bad for an old guy I think!!


    Not bad mate,you just gotta play with text a bit.

    Treat every part as separate image then save.Paste it all together at the end.

    Just remembered this tute,use the glass part and play with blend modes.Duplicate the image and use "Trail".boltbait.wink.pngmhttp://forums.getpai...t-with-filling/.

  5. th_zoom.png

    Very easy to do in PDN.

    Pryochild's Gradient Bars with default color.

    Polar Transformation set to Rectangle to Polar

    New layer. Draw ellipse with fill color option enabled. Gaussian blur very high setting (I used 100).

    Merge down.

    Grim Reaper to kill white color instantly.


    Edit: Background is actually transparent, forgot to add an effect to make it so. But it'll give you the idea how to do that.

    I didn't know that Lance,you learn something new everyday.

    Will use that myself for abstractsboltbait.wink.png.

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