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Posts posted by Djisves

  1. On 10/10/2020 at 12:42 AM, DoubleD said:

    Can you combine //background; 3000ms ?  My GIF doesn't seem to be waiting to go to the next frame.   I used //background; 10000ms  which should take for ever but nope it goes right to the next frame

    I have tried a few times in the past and never been able to apply two commands to one frame. I have not found anything to suggest that it can be done, so I gave up and accepted that it can't.


    If you wish to have only the background visible for a specific time before the animation cycle starts, you need to copy the background to a second layer above and rename the copy layer from "// background" to "// 3000ms".

  2. On 6/7/2020 at 9:44 PM, pascal said:

    New version available!

    Thank you @pascal for the new version. This post will let everyone know there's been a change, so that they download the new version.


    You should really make a new post when you update the plugin, otherwise users will have no way of knowing. I was only alerted to this because of your posts on the General Discussion forum.  


    Also, it's better not to use the plugin version number in the name of the DLL file itself. If the file name of the newer version is not identical to the previous version, it will not replace the older one in the Effects folder. This will result with two (or more) copies of your plugin in the Effects folder and whatever problems that may cause. 


    Naming the containing zip file with the version number is OK, even helpful. I like it and wish plugin authors would adopt it as a standard.


  3. 16 hours ago, lynxster4 said:

    Also left it at the saved image size.

    @lynxster4 noticed that the given image is larger than the size allowed for the OootF competition. 

    Perhaps @Pixey, as the host, can confirm that we not need to resize before we post, or do we?


    I don't know what to make of this new twist in the competition. It'll really be my first try colouring a 3D object, so I'll decide if I like @Ego Eram Reputo or not after I post my entry  🙂

  4. I run out of upvotes again; serves me right to start a discussion I'm bound to want to agree with a lot of the replies.


    I agree, a forced white background on each image is the best solution (if the default theme cannot be forced  for the competitions sub-forum). Thank you @toe_head2001.



    49 minutes ago, toe_head2001 said:

    Please make sure you're comparing the sizes before you've cast your votes.  The entries will display at a smaller size when showing the poll results, but they should be at 100% size before that.

    Yes, right, my apologies for not seeing the obvious.



    25 minutes ago, welshblue said:

    The Hawthorns ...

    I intended to watch the first half only and then switch to a local derby that would start an hour later. As it turned out, I only watched the second half of the local derby.

  5. 4 minutes ago, welshblue said:

    I think the reflection of Pixey's curved aces looks better on the Dark Theme as opposed to the default one.

    I don't like to comment on entries until after the voting ends, but I think it's OK to compare one image with itself on different backgrounds. 

    I agree, @Pixey's the curved Aces look much better on the dark background.

    On the contrary, your "worn" cards look better on the light background because on the dark background the excellent shadow is lost.


    (I'm watching the match at the Hawthorns at the moment but - just in case - I won't spoil it for anyone).

  6. 2 minutes ago, MJW said:

    unless there's some other way of achieving a consistent color for the background

    Well, is there a way to display the Competitions sub-forum at default theme only?

    I, too, prefer an object without background but how else can we overcome the theme inconsistency?




    2 minutes ago, welshblue said:

    constrain it to white only ?

    This sounds logical and consistent.

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