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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. epic epiphany, great air brushing, but imo i think you've overdone it. The skin just looks fake and plastic-y. I suggest toning the air brushing down so you still have some skin texture. Great work. KIU.
  2. Try using the magic wand at 0% tolerance, set the flood mode to global. Click on a blank pixel, and hit Ctrl + I (invert selection) so you have a selection of all the existent pixels on the canvas. Use the same principle for removing pixels of a certain colour. Just select the colour and as long as the flood mode of the magic wand is global, all pixels of the certain colour will be selected and you can easily delete them. To cut an image out, without rough edges, go here: Clicky
  3. Maybe its the new PDN logo. Personally, i think the newer one is better. It looks much cleaner.
  4. your sig looks like something from C4D. Fabulous work Sozo.
  5. Thanks to all of you for commenting. It means a lot to me. I haven't really been able to make anything in PDN for a pretty long time - I've been inundated with a lot of work.. =/ Can't remember the last time i opened PDN. I sorta tried to explain it here: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=24217&start=30#p197879
  6. Really cool new blend modes, and loving the clipboard function too. ____________ While writing this post, i just had an idea. If anyone remembers my fake Advanced Tools plugin, then maybe it could become a reality. Using your blend modes, with pyro's smudge plugin, you and pyro could collab and create some awesome tools plugin that use the blend modes? I dunno if its possible.. Would be an epic plugin though.
  7. Paint.NET doesn't have Intelligent Scissors. The methods above are your best bet for PDN. Also, keep in mind that knowing how to use PDN well doesn't happen in two hours. Its takes more time than that.
  8. If you wanna make life easy, but inaccurate for yourself, then you can use multiple selections of the magic wand tool (keep Ctrl pressed while making selections). You should vary tolerance to get some ok'ish results. Using the method that Nab provided, would yield accurate and AA results ( :AntiAliasingOn: not :AntiAliasingOff: ), though it requires a bit of work.
  9. Just installed the updated plugins, and PDN 3.5 final. Your plugins work fine for me. No crashes or any odd stuff has occured. Thanks.
  10. Smexy sig. Loving the simplicity.
  11. Take advantage of Windows 7, and pin Paint.NET to your taskbar, then pin the .dds file to Paint.NET on the taskbar. Then just right click on Paint.NET on the taskbar, and select the .dds file you need.
  12. I suggest you have the True Feather option checked when you feather. That way you wont get some of the odd AA in places. Nice work though.
  13. Great job on the fantasy castle. Contrast is a bit too much, and maybe make the details of the castle more visible. KIU.
  14. The competition rules don't mention anything about editing your entry, which means you can if you want. I agree. Hidden Content: Thanks welshblue.
  15. If trying to encourage another member of this forum to produce work that portrays their full potential is being mean, then yeah, i being mean. /end
  16. Wilson, it seems as if all you did was apply a radial gradient and some text. I think you can be more imaginitive than that.
  17. Its still pretty cool though. The texture could be part of anything behind it. A volcano, a mountain, a cave, anything.
  18. Your plugins are sheer awesomeness. Thanks!
  19. Liking the PDN magnified piece. Great work. Only problem is that the magnifying glass is making the pdn logo smaller, when it should make it bigger?
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