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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. To add to what Myrddin said, if you want to fill something with a colour with transparency, then you may need to change the mode to: :NormalBlending: or :OverwriteBlending: depending on what you wish to do.
  2. PDN for mac. Some guy ported it to Mac, but its kinda sucks. I'm not sure you can install plugins either. You could try it though. Just google Paint.NET mono.
  3. Heh i'd forgotten about this lol. Thanks Helen. Thanks man, Scriptina is an awesome font. I just modified it to my liking. =) Thanks, and i agree with you on the slogan. Drop Shadow didn't work, but i fixed it anyway. I'll also take your suggestions into account. Thanks Goonfella, and i thought of that, but i decided to have the inner shadow instead. I guess its not that noticeable. I'll probably change it to something noticeable. =)
  4. I knew you couldn't resist PDN!! Glad to have you back mate. Hmmm.. good luck with that.
  5. Well, i got your PM and thought i'd just comment here: This version I do like. Better atmosphere, and the collision looks much better. The sparks are still a little bit weird though, they need to spread out more, instead of having them come out like a rotated "V". Maybe get some chalk brushes and smudge the explosion a bit, to roughen it up a tad. Overall it looks much better! So, all thats left to say now is KIU.
  6. :shock: Awesome plugin. So easy to make simple buttons to mess about with now. Just a suggestion, maybe there should be a radius option, like in the rounded rectangle plugin, so that you can make square buttons too, instead of only ellipse ones.
  7. We did that experiment! Sodium thiosulphate right? Looks good though! Really realistic, especially the animation. :wink:
  8. Great Fantastic job on the Teddy Bear. Really good, and the bow is a nice touch. The 2 lines splitting the arms and the body look a bit out of place, instead of them, there should be a dark-ish shadow. Maybe add a highlight on the nose? I also suggest darkening some of the other shadows in places too. They're a bit hard to make out now.. Great job though! KIU.
  9. Thanks welshblue. Perspective is easy, you just gotta do a little thinking. _____________________________________________ A Web Design Mockup ^^Clicky^^ I didn't know what to put on the right side of the banner, so i put some grid thinga-ma-jig there. Any suggestions on what to put are welcome. I modified to Scriptina font to my liking; it wasn't just a simple write text and add effects. Whaddya think so far? Carry on? or restart?
  10. Thanks Helen, and it was quite easy. Perspective is easy in PDN now.
  11. I prefer to do it a different way.. For the top effect, just use outline object with the specific colours and angle, and you should be good. Your text has to be the right colour as well. the second, same thing, just increase the softness, and width. Or you could adapt my gold text tut in the Text Effects section of the Tutorials+ section of this forum. :wink:
  12. I'm gonna sound a fool saying this.. but i don't like it. i mean, its good, but you've done better. [*:36sasewa]Theres not much atmosphere, or colour in the space. Its too unsaturated. Saturate it. Now. [*:36sasewa]Starfield is good, needs size variation though. The brushes look out of place too.. [*:36sasewa]Nebulae looks out of place. You don't have to add a nebulae in every spacescape, sometimes even a good nebulae can ruin a good spacescape. [*:36sasewa]The collision is bleagh.. most of it is just white.. needs colour!!! White should be the center though, where they collide. Sparks in the collison dont look good. They're straight. If you want sparks, use pyro's random shape fill plugin, blur some areas, and then erase where you dont want the sparks to be. It'll look much better. [*:36sasewa]Lens flare is ok. Good attempt at making one, but the piece would look much better if you used a stock for a lens flare. Its good to try and make everything in PDN, but if trying to make everything in PDN makes your work look good, and could be bettered with a stock, use a stock. I suggest you work on this piece some more. It looks like it could be awesome. KIU. I'm sorry if i sounded a bit too harsh, but no pain no gain, eh?
  13. Flame piece is really good. Love the fire effect. KIU. WTF.. :shock: :shock: :shock: Is that even possible!?
  14. :shock: Awesome roses Helen! Fantastic Astonishing job!! One thing.. add a background. It looks incomplete sort of. Another thing.. The rose on the right.. the bit at the bottom is "messed" up. Move its layer to left a bit so its covered up by the darkest middle rose. (yeah, i know how you composed the 3 roses - sort of ) Awesome job once again. KIU!
  15. Thats what i thought too Anyway, fantastic work as always. Very vibrant, and colourful. :wink:
  16. The Worlds Hardest Game 3D ^^Clicky^^ (this time it works. ) 100% PDN. I promised a web-design page, but i've been inspired to do something completely different, so i'm working on changing it.
  17. Wanna know why? Cos its blue!!! Blue is awesome.. cant go wrong with blue (as long as you use it properly. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: ____________ on the topic of Macs.. Sozo, add a cool apple logo in the middle, see how it looks. Or.. you could make it look like the apple is sucking in "stuff" (the twists.. ). . i dunno just my imagination going a bit crazy.. it does that sometimes..
  18. Wanna know why? Cos its blue!!! Blue is awesome.. cant go wrong with blue (as long as you use it properly. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: ____________ on the topic of Macs.. Sozo, add a cool apple logo in the middle, see how it looks. Or.. you could make it look like the apple is sucking in "stuff" (the twists.. ). . i dunno just my imagination going a bit crazy.. it does that sometimes..
  19. No problem. Your work will look much cleaner with Alpha Masking. Its hard at first, but once you know it well, its easy.
  20. No problem. Your work will look much cleaner with Alpha Masking. Its hard at first, but once you know it well, its easy.
  21. @AmadeusX, nice idea, and good execution. Edges need to be fixed, heres how: Feather is a solution to fix :AntiAliasingOff: edges, but it doesn't give perfect :AntiAliasingOn: edges due to the way it works (blurs the edges of the object only). The best way to fix :AntiAliasingOff: edges, it to not create them in the first place. Thats where Alpha Mask comes in. Learn alpha masking, and your :AntiAliasingOff: edges should vanish, as long as you create a mask where needed. Here's a couple of links: [*:29yrnpv9]http://cmdsketchpad.com/tutorial.php?tutid=2 [*:29yrnpv9]http://cmdsketchpad.com/tutorial.php?tutid=3
  22. @AmadeusX, nice idea, and good execution. Edges need to be fixed, heres how: Feather is a solution to fix :AntiAliasingOff: edges, but it doesn't give perfect :AntiAliasingOn: edges due to the way it works (blurs the edges of the object only). The best way to fix :AntiAliasingOff: edges, it to not create them in the first place. Thats where Alpha Mask comes in. Learn alpha masking, and your :AntiAliasingOff: edges should vanish, as long as you create a mask where needed. Here's a couple of links: [*:29yrnpv9]http://cmdsketchpad.com/tutorial.php?tutid=2 [*:29yrnpv9]http://cmdsketchpad.com/tutorial.php?tutid=3
  23. Good stuff here. Nice start to a gallery. Your recent looks pretty good, needs more saturation though.. and more colours.. oranges yellows light blues.. Keep at it.
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