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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. :shock: Awesome. Just Awesome. (the bottom of the sword needs fixing.)
  2. Thanks man. Storm.Shadow, its easy, you just do the same thing when you add brushes to the custom brush plugin. Or, in the smudge plugin UI, simply scroll down to the bottom of where you choose the brush, and go to add/remove brushes. Then put the .png files in the folder that opens up.
  3. This is a great piece. Great job on it. =) Looking forward to seeing more stuff. P.S. I advise you save you images as .png
  4. Awesome mouse. Love it. =) And those who used to watch Tom & Jerry, and were a tad :oops: about it, i say: Why!? Tom & Jerry was one of the best childhood cartoons ever made. Heck, i'd still watch the odd episode if i had the time. =)
  5. Great job on the comics. =) They look awesome, the font is perfect too. =)
  6. both are absolutely fantastic, but imo "Redeem" is better.. "Knights" is a bit pixelated/blurry, and "Redeem" is just simply amazing =) I love how the rings interlink and the shadows are great (though you missed shadows in a few places, but it doesn't matter, its an abstract. =D ) Awesome stuff once again.
  7. Continuing from what EER said (who is correct btw).. With the area you could calculate the %, just divided the selection area by the canvas area and multiply by 100.
  8. Lego, its good, but its a bitt to grungy and sharp. I wouldn't put any texture stuff on top of the render either, it sort of makes it a bit "wrong". Blur the edges, so it adds some depth, and work on the text. KIU man. ___________________ cc?
  9. "SQUARES" should be "Rectangles". A square is a rectangle too. One with a all sides equal. Also, it only works with 1 single rectangular selection. Having 2 rectangular selections with a space between wouldn't work.
  10. hyrule, try downloading some smudge brushes from dA, and use them to smudge. The defaults in smudge are pretty bad. Mess with the settings too, low quality and high strength can give a neat effect (try it). Also try adding c4ds for some fx. It looks pretty good though - one of your best. ________________________ Trying something new. v1 v1 black and white cc?
  11. Looks like a good sketch. I'm sure the finished piece will be amazing. Are you gonna do a vector style or a realistic style? I think vector would look amazing. =) Also, add something in the foreground, like a campsite or something.. It'll make the whole piece come together - sort of. =P
  12. Thanks welshblue and Gamer_World14. I need to finish that website mock-up, but i dont feel like it.. lol I'm getting into making sigs and LP's and i wanna work more on my spacescape. So, the finished website mock-up will probably be left for a while. I could finish it today/tomorrow, but i'd end up rushing it and it'd look bloody potato to be plain. =P *goes and works on spacescape*
  13. Its a good tutorial, but for beginners to follow this tut, you're gonna have to organise the tut much more. I prefer the way it looked after the gradient map and before you apply an overlay blend mode to the background. It looks much less contrasted there. =) Nice outcome though, i'll try it sometime. =)
  14. Awesome job on the molecules. Love the colours (blue is awesome ). One thing though, the reflection on the front two molecules is fine, but the one at the lower back is wrong.. If you've got each molecule and each bond on its own layer, make a reflection for each, and use Oct/Quad - Reshape/Matte to skew the reflections so even the back lower molecule has a reflection touching it. Really great job though! KIU. =)
  15. Awesome. I love how its like theres a city in the middle, but theres not.. :Shock: Great border too, its just pure awesome. Can't really criticize it. =D
  16. Love it. Great style you have Helen. Really good job. But, is it me, or does the Cruise Ship look like a pyramid, instead of a ship? =S Still a great job though! Floating Pyramid of Giza.. =)
  17. SMUDGE!!!!! =) v1: v2: I nicked one of the default brushes in PS, put it into PDN smudge, and smudged. Hehee. :twisted: I should also say, that once i finished smudging, i took the .png into PS, and did a bit of Topaz DeJPEG to it. Freeware ftw! =) cc?
  18. Same with photobucket, AFAIK. It doesn't delete your "photo's" after a period of time. If you see that it says the image has been deleted (with the photobucket logo on it), then the owner of that account probably deleted the image themselves.
  19. Live 100% PDN, no stocks, but just 1 splatter brush used.
  20. lol, nice job on the comic strip. Look pretty real too =)
  21. Yeah it did.. but oh well, thanks for the answer though.
  22. Well written tut, many will learn from it. Just a few pointers, when you say that "it doesn't matter if the C4D has a black background, you can set the blend mode to additive" you can set the blend mode to screen/lighten as well to get some neat results too. Nice use of the clipping mask method, it a better accurate way, but for those who a lazy (i.e. ME) Smudge also works (100% Strength, 50% quality). Great job on the tut though.
  23. I've been testing some new smudge ideas and one of them didn't work because it looks like .gif isn't supported as a brush in Smudge. Any chance of .gif brush support in Smudge? It would be uber-awesome if it was, but if not, it doesn't matter.
  24. You know what? This is awesome. Sort of kills (no pun intended) the need for InPaint. Thanks for the awesome looking plugin! *goes and tests*
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