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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. Oma has seen it, she commented on my dA. Thanks HELEN. I did another abstract today too lol __________________________________________ The Dream Tunnel ^^ Clicky for large version ^^ 100% PDN, and those twisty things, weren't made by using Twist/Twist with zoom plugin. :wink:
  2. Thanks welshblue and cazaron! I only spent about 15 mins on it though.. maybe could've done better.. Plethora is a great word, it just came into my mind whilst thinking of a name for it lol.
  3. Thanks welshblue and cazaron! I only spent about 15 mins on it though.. maybe could've done better.. Plethora is a great word, it just came into my mind whilst thinking of a name for it lol.
  4. Here's a link to the Layers section in the Paint.NET Help "guide": http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/L ... Modes.html I suggest you check out the rest of the links on the left of the webpage as well. :wink: Another link on layers in the Paint.NET wikibook: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Paint.NET/ ... rs_Example
  5. Here's a link to the Layers section in the Paint.NET Help "guide": http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/L ... Modes.html I suggest you check out the rest of the links on the left of the webpage as well. :wink: Another link on layers in the Paint.NET wikibook: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Paint.NET/ ... rs_Example
  6. Plethora of Colours Something oma-y... Clicky for larger version.
  7. Plethora of Colours Something oma-y... Clicky for larger version.
  8. So.. now we have 2 robots on this forum.. oma and Ash.. What's going on, an invasion or what? Great abstract oma, we really need to see a tut on how you do them.. :wink:
  9. So.. now we have 2 robots on this forum.. oma and Ash.. What's going on, an invasion or what? Great abstract oma, we really need to see a tut on how you do them.. :wink:
  10. Yeah, i suppose i could do that, i'm resizing down anyway. Thanks. I guess you're right about the optional part, i do sometimes get annoyed with the Snap feature in Free Transform.. Good for aligning stuff when making webpage designs and other stuff though. Yay! This feature would be awesome. Gimp doesn't even have this feature..
  11. Yeah, i suppose i could do that, i'm resizing down anyway. Thanks. I guess you're right about the optional part, i do sometimes get annoyed with the Snap feature in Free Transform.. Good for aligning stuff when making webpage designs and other stuff though. Yay! This feature would be awesome. Gimp doesn't even have this feature..
  12. hmmmm... only back for year only? Not fair. :wink: Glad to see you back though, love your style in sigs, very sleek. :wink:
  13. hmmmm... only back for year only? Not fair. :wink: Glad to see you back though, love your style in sigs, very sleek. :wink:
  14. Something like this right? [attachment=0]help gradient.png[/attachment] Same method as david suggested, here's the plugin: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=23957
  15. Something like this right? Same method as david suggested, here's the plugin: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=23957
  16. When using Expiration's method to create gradient text or something, keep the lighter colour layer on top, and apply the :AlphaChannel: gradient to the lighter colour. It'll result in a better looking text. Just thought i'd let you guys know.
  17. When using Expiration's method to create gradient text or something, keep the lighter colour layer on top, and apply the :AlphaChannel: gradient to the lighter colour. It'll result in a better looking text. Just thought i'd let you guys know.
  18. Or, use the text tool to write a letter C, and draw a circle around it. Useful when using a font that doesn't have the © symbol included in it.
  19. Or, use the text tool to write a letter C, and draw a circle around it. Useful when using a font that doesn't have the © symbol included in it.
  20. Chelsea fan by any chance? Anyway, no problem. :wink:
  21. Chelsea fan by any chance? Anyway, no problem. :wink:
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