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Posts posted by Pixey

  1. The Poll is now Open for the TGMagnitude entries.  Thank you so much everyone for your participation and I apologize for having to cull some of the entries this week. 


    The Poll will be open until Saturday 7th October 2017, until 7 pm UK time and 2 pm EST.


  2. I practiced some more.  Obviously one has to remember to use the exact same settings for the combination spheres :fear:.  But I have one, probably very silly question.  When you say ", use aplha=0, transparent is=1 (primary color should be black or dark)."   If the primary color, in the Opacity-Alpha in the Color wheel is 0, why does the color matter, as if it's "0" then there is no color anyway :greengrin:.



    • Like 2
  3. Hi @MadJik - I know this is an old thread, but I am curious as to how you got the balls to overlap.


    These were your instructions:


    1.Start PDN (white image 800x600). You could use any color you want (not too dark)!


    2.Shape3D: all default expect :

    ...scaling = 1.37

    ...light direction x=0,y=1,z=1.

    2.a  Duplicate the layer. On the top layer select bottom half of the sphere and delete it.


    3. Seamless texture maker: mode="Only cut", use aplha=0, transparent is=1 (primary color should be black or dark).

    3.a  Merge the layers.


    4. Menu Layer, Rotate/Zoom: Tile=checked, zoom=0.25, Angle=0, Twist angle=90, Twist radius=20-40.


    This is what I get - only one set.




    Wold love to know the instructions to line up the 2nd row.  Thanks ;)





  4. About this week's TGM competition folks ~ Please will those of you who have posted more than three entries, please resist posting anymore.  I will accept all that have been entered for this week, but I think more than three - in the future - will be disallowed.  As you can imagine if everyone posted 4, 5, or 6 it would be massive job to upload them all for the Poll. 


    Thanks for your understanding

  5. 12 hours ago, Maximilian said:

    One question concerning the current contest. Does the signature have to be a 100% TGMagnitude thing, or could it be part TGMagnitude alongside other techniques?


    I would say that only TGM be used on an initial texture/image.  But, things like blend modes, curves,etc., would be alright.

  6. RreT6Qa.png


    The theme this week is to use the Plugin – "TGMagnitude"


    by @Red ochre and can be downloaded from here.


      Chosen by – Pixey (SOTW #173 winner).


    This week you're challenged to design and create a signature using the above Plugin:




    The deadline for entries is 7:00pm (UK time) 2:00pm EST on Saturday 30th of September 2017.


    To see how that equates to other countries, here is a link to the World Time


    Competition Rules


    1. Max sig dimensions 500 x 200. Please NOTE: The forum limits signatures to 500 x 150, if it is too large do not try to use it as your sig.

    2. Please keep your sig family friendly.

    3. Keep to the theme that has been set.

    4. You may modify or replace your image until the deadline! 

    5. Don’t violate copyright laws with found images; links to source images would be courteous.

    6. Your entry must be made using paint.net, please don't use an outside image editor and try passing it off as PDN work. 

    7. There are multiple entries per entrant allowed.


    8 . Don’t add links to larger versions of your signature, your entry should be voted on based

    on the size laid out in rule #1. Please keep larger versions of your work for your gallery


    9.  Signatures may be either Horizontal or Vertical.


    The winner of the current SOTW gets to choose the subject for the next competition.  Good luck all and thank you in advance for entering.

     Thanks to - chrisco97, Sozo, TheHowler, Nitenurse79, Chimay, DrewDale & Pixey for keeping this comp going in the past.


    Previous comps have included the following topics as listed Here compiled by MJW. This list will, perhaps assist future winners with a theme. 

    This thread is for posting your entries only.

    If you want to talk about any of the entries, you can do so in the discussion thread found here.



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