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Everything posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. Hm..."your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded"...IE7...sigh...we'll have to work on that.
  2. Looks good FrEak...one more question for Helio/FrEaK...I'm still having trouble getting the hex grid to have that kind of effect where it looks like it's dirty or rusty...looks like a clouds layer on top of a hex layer...so: A) How do you make it look like that? Helio, how did you accomplish that amazing glow on your grid? Sorry if I'm being too thorough. I'm really more interested in concepts than replicating images right now. God is in the details, so they say.
  3. Yep, large green/black clouds with dents set at 100, 100, 5. I also duplicated that layer and applied relief to it. Then I did a green grid layer with some glow, set it to overlay(opacity 120), and added another green/black cloud layer in between, set that to overlay(opacity 182)...and all was well.
  4. I can think of either zooming in a bunch and then selecting/moving, or if the surrounding area is transparent, selecting a larger rectangle. Hope this helps!
  5. Perhaps I will when I get back from Topeka this weekend... But if Helio wants to beat me to it, I won't begrudge him!
  6. Here's what I came up with...thanks for the help Rainshadow! Helio? Am I close?
  7. I'm sorry...I think I remember an earlier post somewhere(?) that said this is impossible without merging the layers together. I couldn't tell you for sure, but I'm pretty sure it's not possible.
  8. Perhaps with some blur and clouds...I will try again after dinner!
  9. Select the picture using rectangle, ellipse, or magic wand, then press M and move the image around wherever you need it!
  10. Well, he isn't God. He has limitations both with time and resources.
  11. That was my thought, but I haven't been able to replicate it so far. :?
  12. This effect seems to have been popping up a lot recently...the colored liquid swirly thing especially like the images that Helio seems so apt at... That = really pretty. and a little bit in Illnab's new sig: I know there are more examples, I just can't seem to find them at the moment. :? Anyway, if either of you two feel like sharing your secrets, let me know!
  13. Oh great, now I'm going to be up for the next three hours...I have class in the morning jake!!! Couldn't you wait until I was asleep???
  14. One last try before I hit the sack... Not quite what I'm looking to do, but closer than I've been getting. Looks like the eye is exploding or something...fireworks (which ironically was the program I used before Paint.Net)
  15. Alas I seem to have done something wrong... with normal steps and with advanced... I will try again tomorrow
  16. You knew it was coming eventually... *groan* Very nice plugin though!
  17. I would love to see the pdn...if nothing else than to try and deconstruct how you make some of these amazing sigs...the one above and this one you made earlier: are great. Keep up the good work!
  18. It has an interesting grunge feel to it. May I inquire as to how you did it, or would that reveal to many of your secrets?
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