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Everything posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. @Zulu2: Ha ha zombie plan! Look me up...iamRich. @Buzzkill: :shock: W...o...w...
  2. One more...just an effect applied a billion times + some median blur...guess which one...
  3. Whilst playing with this tutorial, I acquired this: Nothing special...just intended to blind all the old people that visit here. :?
  4. Very nice BoltBait...I'm diggin the frontpage...I'm currently attempting to create an entire website for a library but alas my graphic design skill < a squirrel's. My main problem is picking good colors. Site looks good...can't wait til it's done!
  5. This is not that exciting...I just felt compelled to share it with the group simply because of the massive amout of time it took to cut out the flower from the background to keep the color while b/w-ing everything else...
  6. @Extra: Whoa! I think if I set that as my background my eyes would start hurting after a bit... @jpope: as has been stated, eyes look good, but imho I think the iris/pupils may be a tad too big...the uncanny valley may play a small role in it as well.
  7. Ah, PSPs rock...they keep me awake in class. Since I have no laptop and cannot play in Paint.Net.
  8. Hm...this creates possibilites...like icicles hanging from letters or pictures...perhaps copy/paste with some level adjustments...? We'll see...
  9. Me neither barkbark...thanks for the "expert tip". You know what, that would be an excellent feature for Paint.Net in the future...a section in the help that has a "Tips and Tricks"-esque feel to it. I understand that this is kind of what the forum is about, but there's always questions that keep coming up that could be answered...?
  10. Well, with a recommendation from CMD, I may have to try it out.
  11. Hey barkbark, could you clarify what you mean by this? I understanding using the alpha mask, are you saying that you took the outside, blurred it, made it black and the head white, and then used that as an alpha mask on the original picture?
  12. I think what usedHONDA's trying to say is that he'd like something like that implemented in Paint.Net, and was wondering what you thought of it, Rick.
  13. It's things like this that keep my interest in PDN from waning (and also cause all sorts of frustration when I can't fathom how it was made). Great job, Helio.
  14. I've been wanting to try that plugin out for a while actually...but I'm a bit leery of anything with "beta" in the title...
  15. Anything new on fixing this? And I vote "yes" on the *sticky*. This is an excellent plugin.
  16. jpope, I know you're probably busy and can't post a tutorial for every image you create (sad day ). You've been using some pretty amazing effects in your pictures, and if you somehow find time and motivation to enlighten us, I know at least I would be very appreciative!
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