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Everything posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. Whew. I thought that was one of those fancy image-editing terms...glad I'm not the only one...
  2. Ah! Feather! Very clever. So...are we doing another SOTW thing?
  3. Are you talking about turning the contrast all the way up? If so...well...turn the contrast all the way up to change the pic to black/white, and then play with the brightness to make it how you like it.
  4. Rick may I suggest you put in something here? Free publicity as far as I can tell...and it's a great site too.
  5. Perhaps I missed this while skimming the topic, but why are there three dlls?
  6. Try playing with the tolerance on the magic wand and make sure you get all the white off...then use the eraser to clean up if you have a couple trouble spots...finally use the wonderful feather effect by BoltBait...linked above.
  7. @spike: Two Thrones = awesomeness @BoltBait: nice! very funny!
  8. I dunno man, I still haven't got it to work either... :oops:
  9. Well, I was going to try and contribute one later today until I saw Buzzkill's. Man, that's good. :? Nice job, Buzz!
  10. Thanks for the feedback...let me see if I'm getting this straight. When you need to have things straight up/down/left/right, disabling the AA is good because it makes the tips of the line sharper and less rounded? Also, what do you mean by shading lines? Do you mean (on a black line) having a pixel of grey running along the sides?
  11. Something I've been wondering about for a while: :? Could someone explain to me when it is good to disable anti-aliasing ( :AntiAliasingOff: ) and when it's good to keep it on? Some tutorials say to disable aa and some don't, so...I know what aa is but was wondering if I could get the experts to explain how to use it well. Thanks in advance. 8)
  12. @Madjik: I like the first one better...even if the shadow doesn't seem to match up with the light source.
  13. Name is WaterBottle...(evian spelled backwards is naive! ) Did you do that in PDN or hand draw?
  14. While trying Madjik's version of making wings, I enountered this picture: It appears that the grid underneath was somehow showing up through the picture. Anti-aliasing was off for the sprioshape but not the line. There were three layers: a white background, the spiroshape layer, and the line. Just a temporary glitch. Didn't go away until I tried again with a new document. For what it's worth... :?
  15. Eh...I can see the resemblence. However, I wouldn't use carbon-copy...seeing as how xkcd uses a linux reference...? Meh, doesn't matter.
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