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Everything posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. Because your style in creating images, are similar to Madjik, an awesome forumer, who was online a couple of minutes ago. EDIT: It's a good thing! It's a very good thing. @Down: Great Balls of Fire!
  2. My first experience in PDN: Then Houston (another programmer) sent out this...he said he found it somewhere...but I have my doubts... To which I responded..."No, it's more like this" So that was the first image I created in PDN. I didn't know anything about layers, and didn't touch it again until last February...and the rest is history. 8)
  3. Touche. Well, I stole it from google images, so I don't feel as bad... Phooey. I'm writing myself into a corner. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's not quite what I want (looks cool but has no purpose or meaning to me) and I would probably want my next av to represent how I've gotten along in PDN. Whew.
  4. Awesome! However, out of respect for the person who's using it there, I won't use it here. (I remember how upset I got when someone stole my sig for a different forum...jokingly... )
  5. Jake, that's excellent. I like how the...er...guy...in the middle looks with the shadow behind him. And how did you do the splatters in the background? Is that an image?
  6. Plain doesn't equal boring. Things can be beautiful in their simplicity.
  7. Dr. D, I think if you do change your avatar, you should make one. Actually, I didn't make mine either. :oops: In fact, if anyone should change their avatar/sig, it should be me, who hasn't touched it since the day I joined!
  8. Unfortunately you can't change straight black or straight white with this plugin. The closest I've found as a workaround is if you have shades of grey, apply sepia tone and then try the plugin again. Best of luck!
  9. The_Lionhearted


    Very clever, Ash...I don't know why stretching the clouds never occurred to me. I must be going senile since I turned 21 yesterday...
  10. Yeah...my problem with anime is the amout of scantily clad images... :?
  11. Forget that, I want the snow can! That would be an awesome invention...snow in a can...
  12. Aw, don't say that...it makes me feel old at 21!
  13. isnt Da german for grandfather? I call my grandparents by those names, i wonder why... "Opa" == grandfather? Picture chopping in PDN:
  14. My favorite band ever... Crunk rock!!! Alas, there's a ton of detail...if only they would let us post 1000x200 sigs...petition anyone? All images were screenshots of their website @ http://www.familyforce5.com except for: http://www.familyforce5.com/FAMILY-FORC ... SSblin.jpg
  15. Not diggin' the ship so much...looks out of place with the relative realism of the background. My (constructive ) criticism would be to focus on making the ship more...er...realistic. As much as one can make a "spaceship" realistic...
  16. I have a (free) Sony Ericsson and I found the (free) software to skin any Sony Ericsson phone here. When I get time tomorrow (I'm beat ) I'll try colors. Thanks for feedback (and so soon)! 8)
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