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Everything posted by The_Lionhearted

  1. @usedHONDA: Sure, do the tut if you want. It would at the very least expose new users to some new concepts for them. Oh...and if I can ever get to the point where people request my help...then I know I have it made. 8)
  2. Here's my go at it... I thought I'd move away from the "mod-a-picture-from-the-movie" school of thought. Hope you like it! Outside images used: People City
  3. Double click on the zip file and then extract the dll to your Paint.Net/Effects folder.
  4. http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=3393
  5. Yeah...I kinda followed the "as long as people can tell what the object is it's okay if they can't see all of it" school of thought...I think it's because I did some fancy stuff to the colored layer and it ended up that way.Fixed it on my wallpaper, tho...
  6. Hm...that's weird, now that you mention it. :? I was just thinking "space...heaven...ethereal...angels...Madjik's version of making wings!" Thanks barkbark!
  7. Ah... Double posted from the "rate sig" thread: I'm just so gosh-darn proud of it... *sniff* (special thanks to barkbark00 for the help...you rock! )
  8. This seems to fit with you somehow...but I can't for the life of me figure out why... :?
  9. @Jezulkim: "clock in action"? @jpope: You know, I've expected excellence from you for a while now...and for some reason you keep outdoing yourself. Good job!
  10. Honestly I'm always leery of extra things that other people have developed for software (guess I'm not an open-sourcer...), but some of the tutorials were so compelling that I eventually was exposed to the gloriousness that is (are?) plugins. Pick ones that you know what they do and have a use for.
  11. Really...? I had no idea it was so useful...guess I'll have to play with it more. :?
  12. :oops: Whoops...that's embarassing. I had forgotten about that one. I still think that it would be a good idea to link to it in the FAQ, though. Since everyone who comes here reads that anyway before they post...
  13. This is asked so often that perhaps a tut could be stickied or linked from the FAQ...?
  14. To get a green background, create a new layer (bottom right :AddNewLayer: ) and then use the paint bucket tool (left side :PaintBucketTool: ) to make it green. To move it behind the picture, make sure the green layer is selected and then move the layer down (NOT :MergeDown: merge the layer down, but move down...bottom right again...it's the down arrow). Clear as much, eh?
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