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Everything posted by oma

  1. lovely work. I just think those little glossy ladybugs are so cute. you should come by more often Peter, miss your wit and reparte. I always check your work on DA and find those fractals just awesome!. ciao OMA
  2. the whole kit and kaboodle right from actual program by Rick to the friendly forum. this place is a great place to feel safe and learn about art and computors among a great bunch of people. you all keep me young at heart. ciao OMA PS if I had to pick one thing in the program it just has to be polarinversion + LOL! now I have to run and hide from BoltBait.
  3. been awhile since you've been here glad you are posting agian. I love the blue flower wallpaper. that's really vibrant. don't be such a stranger we miss your work come by more often. I'll even spring for a cup of tea and cookies next visit. :wink: . ciao OMA
  4. looks like he hasn't been around since mid Feb. there is a different reflection by Madjik called wetfloor reflection that could be an alternate for you to use. I actually like that one . ciao OMA
  5. I just adore the one where the pineapple is using the computor. that is so very funny! great job on everything but that one just makes me smile. ciao OMA
  6. i saw the bunny notes before you erased, but as I had moved them already in my picture I decided to leave in the revised postion. . i did take a screen shot of the page and filed it away with my other notes so next bunny I'll try something like that. Maybe by then my drawing skills will be up for those. :wink: you commented I like the texture on the flower! It seems more realistic, but it doesn't quite suit the green ? by the green I'm going to make assumption you mean the top portion of flower and not the background. I think you are correct on that. I was just too lazy to cut that portion out on the test. In next drawing of fuschia plants (different species) that will remain shiny not velvety. its just actual outer leaves that are the furry/fuzzy velvet texture on the real plants, the the inner petals are totally smooth not fuzzy at all. so I think I have this down now. few more tests and parameters to figure out and I'll start more ambitious flowering plant and if I'm up to it maybe a different bird. ciao thanks for looking .
  7. if you don't want to do the outline route here is simple 2 layer solution. you item needs to be on a transparent layer. did you manage that already? so image on transparent layer. set transparency from 50% down to 0% wand outside of image anywhere in transparent area add a transparent layer change your primary color to blue bucket fill the selection gassiaun blur between 2 and 10 move the blur blue layer down below your image and flatten.
  8. my fav is the garden tub. mainly because of the textures. I'm not generally liking dark pictures as I do not see that well but in this one the dark suits, and I think it is not so important to see off to the edges. the dark serves a purpose to keep my mind and my eye on main subject. very nice gallery and I so look forward to the butterfly.! ciao OMA
  9. ok not really asking for help just an opinion. wasn't sure where this belonged. does this even remotely look like a good texture for the flower? I feel I'm getting closer to a texture i can add as final stage on plants. one on left before texture one on right is supposed to be fuzzy velvety petals. what do you think
  10. one easy method. stagger bricks like so on a transparent layer tricky part is getting the first two lined to give your self even spacing for grout. sort of like so sorry just realized I saved as a jpg. its really a two bricks on one transparent layer. then make a duplicate layer (of the bricks on another transparent layer. ) then use the panelling plugin. move them horizontally and vertically
  11. 1 am and coffee + paint.net I hear you there! absolutely the best creative time, but not the best time for those niggley details like clean edges. those glossies are really incredible. the marbles are wonderful. did you hand draw those swirls? or use a plugin. just spectacular work. keep them coming we all need the smiles those glossies generate. ciao OMA
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes that is exactly how I did the individual feathers it was easier to control as the individual element including texture was only 5 or 6 layers and could be handled without much jiggling back and forth. but the flower I needed to see the layers above and below for the placement of the line to be blured and the amount of blur then the amount of transparency required. Some of these steps were backtracked off and on until the correct colorization was there. with over 100 + layers involved I personally would get too mixed up bringing individual layers of the flowers in and out of the main picture of each flower. same way I forgot to include the highlight on the upper stem of the second flower and had to go back in and recheck layer and redo an entire section. the way you mentioned I agree works fine on single elements but not in this instance. the texture I want for the flowers i am close and it will be a set of about 10 steps. Just have to nail down the individual settings. Then determine if each petal will require same settings or if there will be adjustments required for direction of the grain of the petal. Once I have that I can go back in and make selection of each petal. make a new layer, and fill with a color. then copy that fill out and resize in a new image and start new texture. and when done scale down and insert back into original over the petal. actually its much similar to how I did the over feathers on the chest. 3 pdns for that red section of the bird. for yellow man just because I like you so much. vibrant birdy. had to cut and colorburn the bird with the rounded tummy. hope is lined up correctly. LOL !
  13. oma

    Oma's gallery

    good one so you really didn't look at the work in progress shots too closely did you would like 1000 x 1000 first flower drawen and shaded at this size be too small? :wink: especially when final image total including bird flowers and lots of background is less than 800 pixels ... I put those shots up there for a reason...... but thanks for the suggestion I've tried that one... :wink: EDIT: sorry that sounded testy, its not really I'm just still giggling gotta say its usually how I draw things real big and size them down. but in this case it just isn't the look I'm going for. and besides I don't think I could manage 100 + layers at that size even in my dreams of major massive power computor.
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yellow man not sure what you mean is exact same bird copied flattened bird png and slipped into layer of the flowers. only difference is at end added the gray down the front edge of bird tummy that section should be darker for the roundness of the body. the fix of tail movement was just a matter of not cropping my png as small same exact picture just widened the crop a bit to not cut off tail movement? ?? not sure what you mean at all. maybe I color burn the bird in additional layer but in nature this bird is rather drab browns except for the red feathers chest and dark blue greens of head. . there are 100's of fuschia species this is the colorization of the one called Coachman .. if anything I exagerated the highlights of white , that's what makes the flowers so shiny but I wanted them shiny to draw the eye to that spot. perhaps a little less shine next flowers, I don't know maybe, depends on the feel I go for in picutre. ...but the one thing for sure I must find how to do is to make more slightly fuzzy velvety texture of actual flower. frosted doesn't work and jitter is not fine enough to do it in this picture. I think if the terarrso tile was in rounded shapes I could have maybe added more texture to flower to reduce shine. it will be experiments for other projects. I do not know how to do this yet but will figure it out. I think I leave as is, I like it. ciao
  15. never knew about brushes either untill the brush plugin. I still never use the plugin unless I make my own. I really find the cut and paste method quicker have used that since the beginning most likely will continue as its frankly just as quick. ciao
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    no not too good just scratching the surface with Paint.nets possibilities. scratched #45 on bucket list because at least now you recognized what it was I was drawing. I refer you all back to my first humble posts...... wow were they so far removed from this one. what's that advertisment say " you've come a long way baby ..."" bucket list #45 learn to draw reasonably well scratched! #125 added to bucket list, get better and better at drawing.
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    glad you liked it. :wink: not too shabby for 100% paint.net no renders no outside pictures, just good old paint.net start to finish.
  18. oma

    First siggy

    pretty harsh comments! settledown don't bite the newbies give the guy a chance to get his feet wet with this program. I'm sure he will be fine once he learns his way around. ciao OMA PS he lives near me "Manitoba" greatest place on earth.....!
  19. oma

    First siggy

    nice little siggy for your first one. very smart looking, . if you read the rules real close you are allowed one a bit bigger in this forum. just don't get beyond the size restrictions set out by Rick in the rules section. . by the way welcome to our forum, hope you enjoy your stay, and I look forward to seeing some great artwork from you. here's the sections I meant in the rules about sigs rules #14and 15 14) Avatar size requirements: They must not be wider than 120 pixels, nor taller than 160 pixels. 15) Signature size requirements: The combined size of all images in your signature must not be wider than 500px, nor taller than 150px. There is no specific limit as to the number of lines of text permitted in signatures, as we understand that text can render differently in different browsers, but if you have text in addition to an image of the maximum 150px height, please keep it down to two lines. Ideally, text and images in your signature should be around a 200px combined maximum height. yours is 150 x 48 so you have some room to expand should make it easier for you to work with. ciao
  20. Yeah, that would work because then you could rotate the brush after that too exactly what I said in my palm leaf tut. for the very same reason.
  21. I would say this is absolutely your best piece. I've always been meaning to do one of these type of artpieces but you knowme ,,, my writing skills are so poor. only thing I wish in this is it was much bigger my old eyes had such a difficult time to read. but I did read it eventually and loved the story. very very well done. ciao OMA
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @yellowman thanks I see myself a few areas that need to be worked on just a touch more. In fact I have already done a tweek picture rounding out the hummers body a bit, giving more dimension. the flower stamins are too flat. this also I've fixed in the tweek version. and I've darkened a few areas in the background... they just were not correct. everyone will see that version shortly. done! @atypicalcarl why thanks you I'm glad you stopped by for a look and left a comment. It is nice to hear from my visitors. come back anytime. @Goonfella oh that is so nice post... thanks you. I'm making very slight subtle changes and will post the actual finished tweeked version later today. very very small changes but they make me more pleased. the birdy was a little flat. let me get them up for you all to see shortly then you can decide if you want galleria submission or not. I would never turn that down. :wink: @welshblue are you ok now? I wouldn't want to be the one to do you in. As you see from the picture I sent you way back on the direction I was headed with this one I did some changes. For the better yes? plain still but not dull. @cazaron I can hear the beat of the drums. Oh no that's the wild kingdom theme song on the discovery channel I'm hearing. thanks you for your nice comments. and to think 100% my own art. thanks everyone I just love the plugin guys and Rick you are simply magnificent for allowing me to have this program to work with. item 45 on my bucket list Learn to draw reasonably well Done! ciao OMA
  23. Hi Helen hope you had a great Easter weekend.! I'm just catching up on my gallery views tonight and just wanted to tell you those last glossies you added are really fine. I like the little pattern you have going on there in the borders. nice work as usual! :wink: ciao OMA
  24. maybe a picture of what type of hair you are after. that manga style stuff, or actual hair. I've done a few this one is polar inversion and lots of paste and stick the renisance man is mainly pencil and blurs and gradiants or this one gradiant lines, the under lalyers blured a bit, and also I think some twist as well .... its been ages since I've done this one. its very possible to do hair its just going to take you some time and patience. best method is the gradiant lines (grass/fur tut_ if you have another style or type of hair you want advise on just let me know another method I'm trying at the moment is to use Madjiks volutes plugin and make my self some hair swatches as brushes and then use the brush plugin by Simon. still infancy stages so no tut avail. .
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