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Everything posted by oma

  1. Oh I'm so glad you were accepted. I'm sure things will work out. when do you start? ciao OMA
  2. Oh I'm so glad you were accepted. I'm sure things will work out. when do you start? ciao OMA
  3. very nice flip it reminds me of a greeting card I've been sitting here for a few mins. watching it to see if by chance one side would flip open and a lovely poem would be hidden behind. :wink: I totally agree one of your best pieces. very serene. ciao OMA
  4. very nice flip it reminds me of a greeting card I've been sitting here for a few mins. watching it to see if by chance one side would flip open and a lovely poem would be hidden behind. :wink: I totally agree one of your best pieces. very serene. ciao OMA
  5. I think you've done really well on that checkerboard. Its difficult to get all the items just so. but you've done a remarkable job. ciao OMA
  6. I think you've done really well on that checkerboard. Its difficult to get all the items just so. but you've done a remarkable job. ciao OMA
  7. Yellowman There are so many ways to do things here on Paint.net. and I was just saying how I did this ( it is an method ASH taught me early in my paint.net useage. ) Contrary to what everyone thinks I've not been here since the start of the program. But I do have a good memory and an excellent little cheat sheet card system. I try to acknowledge and write down who actually taught me something. We have lost a few good members in the past because they thought did not get credit for making new method. So now if I have in my notes I try to say who taught it to me. It may not be the creator of the method but it is who taught me. I think when ASH says I do not forget he doesn't mean the methods he means the little odd ball things people say. I have been known to dreg up from the past little tidbits and comments made by some of our members over the craziest subjects. PS today I play with sketchup. fun I make this cone 3d. still paint.net much much easier. ciao
  8. catchy title to your gallery :!: . so tell me where did you hide the junk? all I see here are some mighty fine pieces of artwork. great gallery keep up the great work. ciao OMA
  9. catchy title to your gallery :!: . so tell me where did you hide the junk? all I see here are some mighty fine pieces of artwork. great gallery keep up the great work. ciao OMA
  10. thanks for the updated Madjik. I downloaded them this morning and look forward to putting these thru their paces tonight and tomorrow. ciao OMA
  11. I've also eyes in the back of my head and ears the size of dumbo the elephant. I see everything that goes on around here and hear all the little comments even in the furtherst reaches of the forum.
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    guessing everyone? what in the world is Oma going to do to that poor dear elephant. I promise no pink tutu. hint: there is a saying what goes around comes around.
  13. oma

    Oma's gallery

    guessing everyone? what in the world is Oma going to do to that poor dear elephant. I promise no pink tutu. hint: there is a saying what goes around comes around.
  14. looks like we are on the fruit round again. great apple and wonderful watermellon texture. ciao OMA
  15. looks like we are on the fruit round again. great apple and wonderful watermellon texture. ciao OMA
  16. nice new fractals there Janettsue. lovely work and I made note of how you did your mouse picture. I just love the colors of that one. it has such an otherworldly ness to it. ciao OMA
  17. nice new fractals there Janettsue. lovely work and I made note of how you did your mouse picture. I just love the colors of that one. it has such an otherworldly ness to it. ciao OMA
  18. I make my cone shapes using 3d shape plugin. cylinder no ball ends and then octogon reshape plugin same as yellowman. gives a more rounded top. combinaion of methods (actually I think it was Ash that taught me that method ages and ages ago. ) ciao OMA
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Janettsue sent you a PM on the direction I'm thinking this elephant will take in the near future. enjoy the sneek peek . ciao OMA
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Janettsue sent you a PM on the direction I'm thinking this elephant will take in the near future. enjoy the sneek peek . ciao OMA
  21. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Storm.Shadow. I work on this one slowly. I'm having problem with that house thing on top of elephant. Must be third or fourth time I try line tool to fix. anyways thanks you and I added another screen shot on pg 48 wip. ciao OMA
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Storm.Shadow. I work on this one slowly. I'm having problem with that house thing on top of elephant. Must be third or fourth time I try line tool to fix. anyways thanks you and I added another screen shot on pg 48 wip. ciao OMA
  23. welcome to the forum. for a beginner those are two very nice images. I look forward to seeing many more of your creations. you say you like to paint. Oil, watercolor ? or another medium. and you like to do eyes. so do I .... I have two in my gallery I really like one abstract on page 29 and one on page 47. have a look when you have a chance. anyways I have to go, but I'll be back often to see what else you come up with. ciao OMA
  24. welcome to the forum. for a beginner those are two very nice images. I look forward to seeing many more of your creations. you say you like to paint. Oil, watercolor ? or another medium. and you like to do eyes. so do I .... I have two in my gallery I really like one abstract on page 29 and one on page 47. have a look when you have a chance. anyways I have to go, but I'll be back often to see what else you come up with. ciao OMA
  25. lcf4ever didn't say not like it say not understand how it would work. and not understand what would be purpose. we have enough people racking up post count needlessly would also have noob (I dislike that word) adding 100 layers just so they can say wow this is x no of layers so it must be good picture.? not sure of purpose. myself I would rather see more tools than counting layers. something to make it easier to draw. also another question if you move layers up and down and turn layers off does that change the count? ciao OMA
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