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Everything posted by oma

  1. No no no no NO, I always wanna click and see a larger version :o :? But looking good from this size too I made it real big for my deviant art site just have to upload it . and that will be very shortly. ciao OMA
  2. tried out your package today. personally I like the render Border one this may give me some more control over the areas I need to shade using alpha values and gassiaun blur. the one that I think I might investigate further is that Strange bulger Kaleidoscope. only problem I come across is that there are just so many jaggies along the edges after you distort anything using these plugins. Knowing this happens allows me to anticipate for it and to work into the picture. good job keep working on your coding skills, looking forward to seeing some more from you in the future.
  3. if you do decide to do your own would something like how I did the words on this http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... t-69591366 be suitable I used the circle text mini tut and tilted the layers.
  4. OK I finally understand circle from centre concept. did my learning piece. This one's for you BoltBait. .
  5. thanks BoltBait now I follow the conversation. had this old brain fuzzy for a few mins. I agree that would be a nice feature.
  6. ? if you draw a filled circle on a transparent layer and use align object does that not place circles centre in middle of the layer? am I misunderstanding this?
  7. good tut nice results only problem I think some of the new people may not understand how to get the curves red, blue and green lines to operate independently. maybe just a line or two about that might help them out. otherwise outstanding I tried using primary 169B87 and secondary C9E5Fb
  8. this is an idea that I've been playing with ever since I went to see the Andy Warhol art show. they had it in this gallery with chandeliers there was a darkened room off to the side and it just seemed such a strange contrast between the pop art and the formal setting. its called "Chandelier in a darkened ballroom"
  9. if you mean the star points (white) make each star individual layer and just right click each star centre and rotate I'd put the dot pattern on its own layer. easy method to do dots would be select with magic wand centre and use the grid maker set on dots. to fill.
  10. try holding shift down when dragging the nubs.
  11. that's much better. try some more tuts then come back to that one at a later date. you will find you understand more and more each time. but that is very good for now. its much sharper the name stands out more you are on your way :wink: keep trying and post here in the pictorium often. don't worry if you get some bad feedback once in awhile, take the advise and run with some of it, disregard snide comments, you will progress at a nice even pace if you stick with it.
  12. do you still have it as a PDN file? you might try sharpening the person a bit and leave the background if you have flattened this could help a bit sharpen maybe around 5 or so and then use the brightnes and contrast if possible make your name a bit more prominent. we think you are important you should show us you are.
  13. I'd give you some constructive crit but I can't view the sig ? or did you take it down to work on it some more?
  14. @BoltBait now that picture gives a whole new meaning to being sharp. good effect wrong pic. poor wee babe what you doing to that child.?
  15. @vern how many cc's of that banned substance are you on? :wink:
  16. tried to post this earlier but for some reason photobucket link didn't work. trying again. ciao OMA PS made it for my granddaughter.
  17. yes background was transparent. I used the linetool and right clicked and pulled middle two nubs for bezer curves. applied engrave. doesn't happen every time. think its when the line is moved then changed before the nubs are finalized. seems to happen only when you use the right click.
  18. hey this is very useful. I didn't know about this feature. thanks for the tip.
  19. Question for Toli or anyone using this plug in the line on the right started out fully joined prior to using plug in. its the diamond shapes I'm coming up with option for both would be fine. but in this application I'd like a smooth edge option.
  20. extremely useful plugin. I've only worked with it for about 1/2 hour but see that this will come in quite handy. thanks for the plugin .!
  21. look forward to seeing this doing the curves. keep up the great work I certainly appreciate the plug in makers, and value their fine work. .
  22. @usedHonda did you draw pyro's head on fire? is that paint.net overload :wink:
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