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Everything posted by jerkfight

  1. Custom Brushes? just a certain one that u decide what it is, or can we add our own? If this was to be developed
  2. thats really good. Thanks for going beyond the tutorial
  3. the theme is Video Game Characters... (That means any video game character)
  4. Introduction Welcome to the newest contest. The basic contest is to see what members can do without plug-ins, and enhancements. The contest is a great learning experience especially for those who rely on plug-ins a lot. This contest only uses the core effects, tools, and adjustments implemented with Paint.NET. Rules 1. Art must be completely done by yourself, and only Paint.NET is allowed. 2. Art must follow the specific theme given. 3. Art must be made with only the default tools, effects, adjustment and so on. (Meaning No Plug-ins What So Ever) 4. The max size for the art is 1280 pixels X 960 5. No Stocks are allowed, although if you are inspired by a image please include base image link. 6. You are not allowed to edit your post after submitting. 7. One week to enter. Adjustments, and effects allowed Discussion Please Click Here To Go To The Discussion Thread This weeks theme is Video Game Characters, and you only have till March 2nd to enter
  5. The Photo Manipulation Introduction The Photo Manipulation Contest is a contest where you have to make the main part of the photo stand out. The photo will be provided by a member or me. This weeks contest is to finish a building in a photo found by Madjic. The photo looks, well unfinished, thats where you come in and fix it. Rules 1. Art must be completely done by yourself, and only Paint.NET is allowed other than the photo that I provide. 2. Art must feature main part of the photo, which I will tell you what that is. 3. The max size for the art is 1280 pixels X 960 4. Stocks are allowed. (Please Provide Link) 5. You are not allowed to edit your post after submitting. 6. One week to enter. 7. This Thread is for Entries only Good luck everyone, and remember you only have till the 2nd of March to get your entries in. Discussion Please Click Here To Go To The Discussion Thread. Image is Finish the building, is the goal.
  6. Thats because they are equal selections (I zoomed in an selected each row by holding Ctrl)
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