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Everything posted by jerkfight

  1. i have 11 pages... The thing is that the SOTW has 3 competition discussions. 12 13 and 14. K.D. I think you should just create a new thread for discussion every 5/ or so contests, but keep creating the new topics for each thread which has the entrys
  2. Sorry, K.D, that would be my fault. Maybe you could change the discussion like every 3/5 competitions
  3. Maybe i can help you explain them better. Ill pm what i think you should type.
  4. Right. ScriptLab's capabilities, being based on the Effect API, are therefore limited to all the same restraints as any other effect plugin. However, ScriptLab won't always be a plugin... What do you mean by that, if you don't mind explaining
  5. Hes back i was just reading this when i refreshed and you psted
  6. Thats practically wat i did. grid, sine waves,new layer, gradient (plugin), then overlay mode
  7. Thanks Madjic for trying to acomplish this. I tried making it, its close but not close enough:
  8. Very nice. Try using Clouds, noise+motion blur, or gradients for added texture. --- Here's a hasty attempt at making a fish tank... complete with a little fishy! I got pwned
  9. The voting has started one for expiration, and one for d.a EDIT: 1 for me
  10. Example: I found this to be a nice render/fractal. Heres a quote taken from http://spanky.triumf.ca/www/FRACTINT/ma ... _type.html Is this possible to achieve in Paint.NET
  11. Same, and every time I agreed. EDIT: 1337 post Finally i'm a leet
  12. So whens the voting. Although I think I know who one Expiration
  13. I have no clue My try on an aquarium It was very fast
  14. Im going to have a go at this. I think I may learn something from it. EDIT: Something like this? Except with more time tooken it would look much better EDIT 2:
  15. This is another amazing tut. Thanks Wither, Hopefully i get time to try this.
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