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Everything posted by jerkfight

  1. Thats Really cool, I would like to see steps on ways to achieve that
  2. I see. Thanks for explaining. Well hopefully when i get more time i can finally try this. If you also remember Ash's Fur Tut. I achieved a similar effect with it and i would like to compare them soon. This tutorial is amazing, but one of the links are broken. EDIT: Never mind the last two comments... I notice you link to his tut, and the link works now.
  3. So can we make a new disscusion for #8 as soon as voting starts for #7 that way we have the whole month to work on it
  4. I've this bug And other crashs. Try updating it. Mine works now
  5. please edit your previous post next time and yes u can use gradients
  6. Is it possible to use clone stamping instead of coping and pasting
  7. This should be in the OverFlow, there are many DA users on these forums we even have a dedicated chat on DA: http://chat.deviantart.com/chat/paintdotnet
  8. Well i think this would be good because a lot of people from portugal ask me to translate websites including this one.
  9. Yes, they also work for me. Have you checked the plug-in errors.
  10. I agree but, I think it should be included in the pictorium section
  11. I would enjoy this. I was begining to get tired of the one thread. It was like to UNorganised. Please let this work
  12. Stock Images: 1. Official Forum 2. Paint.NET brush from LOGO 3. Image in my logo of PDN is from a photo I took.
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