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Everything posted by jerkfight

  1. Probably a grate around the trunk, you know - one of those wrought iron numbers they put into paved/concreted areas... and they break, and get raised up in sections and, well, stuff... and then the snow appears to be "cut in"... There are actually just a rubber circle there filled with something...
  2. just give me a few second ok. im not too good... EDIT: This to That I made that very fast. and it is very basic Oubviously when resized it looks better
  3. To draw sprites try using pencil tool and make sure the out line of the sprite is in the colour of the pokemon but darker, Revamp is when u have an old sprite and change the colors to make it look new but in an old stance Splices i think are fusions i believe, you cut one part of the sprite and combine it with a diffrent one... Should i just demonstrate the?
  4. i kinda agree with that. well, not that its really bad, but it was difficult to "beautify" the image since...you know, it was just.. a tree... i did some editing on it and it got to a point where i don't really know what else to do, add or adjust. but i tried and posted my entry anyways. i totally support this contest, but maybe we could use a more interesting picture next time? like people, faces, black and white images for example? :wink: I agreed with the comments above 100%. The next contest I will allow people to nominate thier own photos and vote on which one will be used.
  5. I have an introduction thread running in the overflow
  6. Im going to make a screen shot later today, although I dont think we need this contest as it is too similar to free hand
  7. When I get time I will put screenshots of the effects allowed
  8. This is the discussion thread for Basic Contest. Any comments, questions, and remarks belong in this thread. Thanks, Jerkfight Winners #1: Winter: Aguba
  9. Introduction Welcome to the newest contest. The basic contest is to see what members can do without plug-ins, and enhancements. The contest is a great learning experience especially for those who rely on plug-ins a lot. This contest only uses the core effects, tools, and adjustments implemented with Paint.NET. Rules 1. Art must be completely done by yourself, and only Paint.NET is allowed. 2. Art must follow the specific theme given. 3. Art must be made with only the default tools, effects, adjustment and so on. (Meaning No Plug-ins What So Ever) 4. The max size for the art is 1280 pixels X 960 5. No Stocks are allowed, although if you are inspired by a image please include base image link. 6. You are not allowed to edit your post after submitting. 7. One week to enter. Discussion Please Click Here To Go To The Discussion Thread This weeks theme is Winter, and you only have till February 10th to enter VOTING Time for voting. Pm with the person you want to win.
  10. This is the discussion thread for Photo Manipulation. Any comments, questions, and remarks belong in this thread. Thanks, Jerkfight Winners #1: Backyard Tree: Crimson, Wither, and Madjik #2: Finishing the Building: Pyjo #3: Female Makeover: Pyjo #4: Pimp My Ride: - Expiration -
  11. The Photo Manipulation Introduction The Photo Manipulation Contest is a contest where you have to make the main part of the photo stand out. The photo will be provided by a member or me. This weeks contest is a photo i took today in my backyard. The photo looks very dull, thats when I wonder what you can do with it. Rules 1. Art must be completely done by yourself, and only Paint.NET is allowed other than the photo that I provide. 2. Art must feature main part of the photo, which I will tell you what that is. 3. The max size for the art is 1280 pixels X 960 4. No Stocks are allowed, other than the photo. 5. You are not allowed to edit your post after submitting. 6. One week to enter. 7. This Thread is for Entries only Good luck everyone, and remember you only have till the 10th of February to get your entries in. Discussion Please Click Here To Go To The Discussion Thread. Image is Remember the tree is the key point to highlight, but you may have a different opinion on that. VOTING Time for voting. Pm with the person you want to win.
  12. This plugin is awesome. It is much better than before. Thanks
  13. Journey you might want to take a look at the top of the thread
  14. Can you give an example so that we make sure we know what you want.
  15. I dont think that this time i will be able to compete due to I can't think of anything.
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