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Everything posted by jerkfight

  1. Ok then, say someone who doesnt have a lot of art, and just wants to post one thing is there any place to do that, or make a new thread
  2. St.jim yours looks good when resized
  3. i cant remember, but you must play with it or the whole thing will stay brown Know I got it try with other blending methods and you should get even better results
  4. Not sure about above. By display settings i mean to check if your screen is running on what colour 16/32/64?
  5. I never did play w/ the layer properties. What Layer properties did u select? i cant remember, but you must play with it or the whole thing will stay brown
  6. You can sticky a thread for some people but not others? that would be cool. I just am so excited for the new pictorium
  7. you must be fogetting to merge the layer down after playing with the layer properties.
  8. No problem. Thats the exact method i meant. Thanks for explaining better
  9. unfreez is a .gif animation program, its not related with PDN, though a lot of members here use it to animate there images. also look in tutorials in pdn forums for more info
  10. Add new layer. Add text. Press f4 and mess with the opacity
  11. can u explain where i said that?
  12. have you checked your screen quality, and display settings?
  13. .png is the best format imho, others thought may have a diffrent opinion.
  14. He's right about the glow but apart from that, I have to say it is a very good photo manipulation. I got something right! Yay! agteed a little too much glow
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