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Everything posted by jerkfight

  1. Any theme, the winner was suppose to pick, but there are 3...
  2. Meh. I won't be entering. oh yes that, if i change that it wouldnt really be photo manip
  3. Now that #1 is done, we need a theme for number 2 any suggestions
  4. The votes are in, and the winner... winners are Crimson, Wither, and Madjik! 2nd place: Aile 3 votes each for 1st place 2 votes for 2nd place
  5. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=22766/ .SLS sharing.
  6. If you have a .SLS to share, please share here. plugin found here: ScriptLab When sharing remember to tell which plugins have been used. I recently made one i call water ink. Plugins: curves + twistZ with zoom dents colour tint Water Ink.zip
  7. is there a place where we can share scripts?
  8. Thanks olav btw the ripping effect is to like cut off an area with lasso, then select the edges and use the crystelline effect right? that floor is amazing. and those chairs I think you are becoming magnificent at using 3d shape plug in. wonderful work. Thanks, i need to work on light direction though
  9. if u mean deleting this one i agree, it doesnt seem to be popular, and is time comsuming
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