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Everything posted by barkbark00

  1. That is because using the alpha mask plugin only adjust the alpha value for a pixel, there is still distinctions for the R G and B value. Edit: Fixing this in the plugin would require a rewrite that makes the change of the color information proportionate to the change of the alpha values based on the percentage of difference from the original alpha value...I think. Hidden Content: I have found that when a non-programmer offers an idea for a fix, it always get on actual programmers nerves and makes them work even harder to figure out what the REAL problem is... That said, I have no idea if what I said would work...lol
  2. True Blur lets you use decimal values(e.i., .75 or 1.65). I forget who made that plugin? Edit: Ed Harvey made it. You rock Ed! viewtopic.php?f=16&t=23885&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a
  3. Great work! I love the randomness options! There's a few problems...the 'Internal Radius' should control the start point of the rays(triangles); so the internal ends of the rays should come to a point. Also, when using the 'Internal Radius' I get random banding(?) in the preview render, and sometimes in the final render. See below:
  4. Nice, but need bolts or something going down the middle...
  5. If you have any suggestions for Channel Mask, your more than welcome to let me know in my plugins thread. Will do.
  6. That's good to hear. I was just messing anyway.
  7. Sorry, I was talking to BB about enhancements I'd like to see in a masking tool; not suggestions for operation of the currently available tools.
  8. Better than Channel Mask? Such statements should not be made unless they can be backed up...P.S. I have quite a few suggestions with regard to Channel Mask if you want to hear 'em...
  9. Feature Requests: 1. Add an option to control the point from which the rays emanate... Maybe you could call it an "internal radius"...? 2. Add an option to randomize the ratio and length of the bars from bar to bar. 3. Add option for end caps (like the line tool) for the ends of the rays, when the length doesn't cover the entire canvas. Thanks for considering these requests.
  10. That's disappointing... You should try and use your talent to do something that is a little more creative... That's my
  11. Nice idea. This needs a rotation option though...
  12. Thanks for the link... *bookmarked it* Also, great work!
  13. Nope. Only thing that was copied was the main highlight on the face of the bars...
  14. I understand that the perspective is off, but the 'keystoning' you see is an illusion created by the positioning of the highlights. The bars are the same width at the top and bottom...
  15. I just say that because it seems that that is all we ever see in this thread... no offense to everyone in here. Yup, and everything else, pretty much... Thanks for the comment.
  16. This is gonna sound rude...because it is. Don't bother with a tutorial. It wouldn't teach anything that is covered in the other tutorials... Also, follow the rules! :evil: Your title is nondescript; and, as you mentioned, you already have a thread! :evil:
  17. Made this from scratch. Bars P.S. We need an 'Almost Realistic Images' section...
  18. Looks good. Can you post the pdn file for that please?
  19. I know this doesn't solve your "1-bit output problem", but you could just use Brightness/Contrast with the Contrast set to 100; this leaves the Brightness control to be used as a makeshift "threshold"...
  20. He means that your question would be better directed at someone who is traditional artist. Not many of those here...
  21. After following my steps you should end up with the white logo on a mostly black background... You could just use the crop tool to isolate the logo area and paste that to a new layer over your other image and set the blending mode to 'Screen'. NOTE: See 'apple.pdn' in the zip file To get the transparent version, I did some spot cleaning with the Paint Brush in black; and then I just used the Alpha Mask plugin and Curves+. apple.zip
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