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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Try parts of this tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=27823 Or, basically, use the Effects > Noise > Median Blur effect. Or, you could simply use the Effects > Photo > Soften Portrait plugin.
  2. So, what are we allowed to do in the OnSetRenderInfo method? For example, in my Bevel Selection plugin, I create a new surface and render stuff to it. Now, I don't render anything to the actual destination canvas until the OnRender function. Is this "legal"? I think it is awesome that you have given us access to the SubmenuNames class. Can we get more stuff like this to make it easier for plugin authors to have localized plugins?
  3. Remember this: When alpha is 0, the R, G, and B values are undefined. That means the the system is free to modify them as it sees fit in order to simplify its work.
  4. A little closer... Run Crystalize. Dup layer. On the top layer do the following: Adjustments > Black and White Effects > Stylize > Outline (intensity 100, thickness 2ish) Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast - increase contrast, decrease brightness until you see all of the outlines Adjustments > Invert Colors Change blending mode to Additive I know, closer, but...
  5. Vince, I don't recommend doing that. Just download the plugin pack and take the single DLL out of the zip file and install that. I don't put all of my effects into the same DLL like other plugin authors. I do this for the exact reason you stated--so that you can choose exactly which of my effects you want. Anyway, the point is, the most current version of the transparency plugin is in the plugin pack. Go get that one.
  6. It is not hard. In fact, I wrote a plugin to do it. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2520 Hope this helps.
  7. Ed Harvey's plugin pack includes a weave plugin: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=26244
  8. Try this plugin: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=26579 Render a circular gradient (see second example in link) (with white in center, black on edges) on its own layer. Run the linked plugin with the black and white option checked. Change layer blending mode to Additive, Lighten, or Screen. Adjust the layer's opacity to taste.
  9. Paint.NET does not come with any fonts. So, if you used that font with Paint.NET before, it must have been installed on the computer before. Your best bet would be to either find the font on the other computer you used Paint.NET on, or find a similar font on a font site (like dafont.com). Hope this helps.
  10. You can easily fix this problem by doing the following: Select the paint brush tool. On the toolbar, change the blending mode to "Overwrite" :NormalBlending: :arrow: :OverwriteBlending: and the anti-alias off :AntiAliasingOn: :arrow: :AntiAliasingOff: .
  11. You'll see in a minute. CodeLab parses the UI block to determine what types of controls you want. Normally, it looks at the type that is required. However, in the case of a double slider and a double angle chooser, there is no difference between them. If you want to confused CodeLab, try this: Run CodeLab Press Ctrl-I Delete the 3 default controls. Change the control type to double slider. Change the defaults to -180, 45, 180. Click Add button. Notice that a double slider was added. Click OK. Run CodeLab again. Press Ctrl-I to rerun the UI designer. Notice that it is now an angle chooser. The fact is, CodeLab can't tell the difference between the two types of controls EXCEPT for the default angle. The reason for this is simple. I wanted to keep the system as simple as possible. This does cause a few problems, but overall, most people don't really notice and it has saved me a ton of programming. Now, if you really want to change the default angle of the angle chooser, you can either recompile CodeLab (source is available on my site) or "View Source" when building a dll, copy that source to another VS2005 project and change it there.
  12. First, are you using Right-Click to enable the line as a Bezier Curve? Second, you may be more happy with a vector graphic editor such as Ink Scape.
  13. No, there is not. However, there is an external program called unFreeze that works well.
  14. This is what mine shows... I'm not sure why yours doesn't show you the service pack level of your OS.
  15. Find your "My Computer" icon (either on your desktop or in your start menu), right-click on it and choose "Properties" from the menu. The "General" tab has the information you seek.
  16. Like this? BTW, I'm starting to warm up to Polar Inversion. (Just don't tell anyone!)
  17. You misspelled your thread title. BTW, I use Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 2.
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