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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Let Rick Brewster know. He has included 2 of my effects in the "mother" program. If he wants to include Selection Feather, he is welcome to it.
  2. Yes, they are blurry. They are the only stock used and I had to size them up from smaller images.
  3. Here is a title page for my latest game written in Scratch: The game can be played here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/BoltBait/472525 I've been writing a few games and posting them on the Scratch web site. And, I always do the graphics in Paint.NET.
  4. Download and install my plugin pack. It contains two feathering plugins. The one you're looking for is probably Effects > Selection > Feather Plugin pack: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22819 Help installing plugins: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2023 Hope this helps!
  5. What?! :shock: :? Why, its only the most awesome-est plugin of all time!!! 8) Whoever wrote that plugin is a genius!!! :twisted:
  6. Your best bet is to work at 2x or 3x of your final size, then flatten and scale the image down before publishing.
  7. Split your palette into sections. Maybe, reds, blues, and greens... etc. You can easily change your palette in the expanded color docker.
  8. Please read this entire thread: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2023 And, if you still can't get them to work, post your troubles there.
  9. You might want to include a screenshot and examples in your first post so that people will know if they want to download it.
  10. Simon, when questions come up, just give a link to the post: How to install palette files in Paint.NET
  11. Since someone just asked me about this in a PM... How to install the palette file: 1. Open Paint.NET 2. Expand the Color Docker by clicking "more" button: 3. Click the palette button: 4. Select "Open palettes folder..." This will open a standard windows explorer window. 5. Find my palette file and right-click on it and choose "copy" from the context menu. 6. Go to the window that opened in step 4. Choose Edit > Paste from the menu. 7. Close that window. 8. Click the Palette button in the color docker window (like in step 3) and notice that your new palette file is listed at the top of that menu. Select the new palette entry to view the palette. 9. That's it.
  12. Easy! Just pay the photographer for the photo and he/she will provide it to you without the watermark! To use Paint.NET to remove it without the photographer's permission would be stealing... which we don't support here on this site.
  13. My psychic ability is not working too well this morning. So, could you give us a few clues... What OS are you using? What is the content of the Plugin Load Errors info box? (Located in the file menu.) Are the plugins "unblocked"? What version of Paint.NET are you using? Did you do a Windows Update recently? Your turn... read my mind and answer all the questions I forgot to ask.
  14. Post your troubles here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2023
  15. Read this tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=26976 That should show you how to do it.
  16. We are not here to do your work for you. However, if you start on something and post it, we would be happy to help you "fix" it.
  17. However you get the texture on there, afterward I suggest using my Selection > Bevel to give the texture depth. Just be sure to pick colors other than white and black... and do it on a separate layer to better adjust opacity.
  18. Actually, that was my way of educating spiederman (the OP). The thought that should spring to his mind is this: "Good point. Why should I benefit from the hard work of others without paying them?" David, I was trying to be sneaky and you ruined it.
  19. How much would you be paying the original authors to reproduce their tutorials?
  20. Once you use the line tool to draw a line you should notice 4 nodes on that line. If you use the right mouse button to adjust those nodes instead of the left mouse button, the line turnes into a bezier curve. This should give you MUCH more control over the shape of your lines drawn. As for the spray can, look around the plugin forum for Simon's custom brush plugin. That should give you what you need.
  21. Yup. Install my plugin pack and you'll see it in the Effects menu.
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