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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. He's just lucky I'm in a good mood today. After all, he did get a warning! :twisted:
  2. BTW, go fix the title of this thread before I have to ban you. viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3446#6
  3. You're so nice... I think I'll promote something of yours to The Galleria.
  4. Use black instead. And, blur the layer before setting the opacity... this will soften the edges a bit.
  5. Nope. That's not my style. I use GIS to find images and do photochops.
  6. It seems that I have cast my pearls before... um... Dusty.
  7. You'll need to install my plugin pack before attempting this tutorial. I really hate tutorials that are done in graphics. Don't you? Cartoon Talk Balloons: Cartoon Thought Bubbles: I know that one complaint is that the outline is not anti-aliased. This won't be a problem. Here's why: Always work at 2x (or 3x) of your final size. That way, when you scale the final drawing down, your aliased lines will become anti-aliased.
  8. And, make sure you are not trying to type outside of an active selection. (In other words, before using the text tool, press Ctrl-D)
  9. OK, so you expand the color docker window so that it looks like this: Select the color you want using the color wheel, sliders, or the eye droper tool. Then, click this button (the left one): The palette will blink letting you know that you should click on it. Finally, click where you want the color to be stored. The color you clicked on in the palette area should be replaced with your newly selected color.
  10. Here's my quick hack: Contact me for my PayPal address. By the way, what equipment do you use for stop motion photography? I'm thinking that I'd like to get something cheap for my daughter to play with. Any recommendations?
  11. You can just make the PdN window smaller and locate your other windows outside of the main window, like this:
  12. flavio scorpione, I updated your avatar with the one Lief made. And, I changed your thread title. Please choose a better one if you should post again. Thanks. Please read the rules: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3446
  13. Actually, Simon, after I wrote that plugin, MadJik took it and made it better. You'll have to download MadJik's plugin pack if you want that one. It's here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=21592
  14. Fixed (presuming that was a reference to the fact that the download link was hard to find). Actually, I was referring to the fact that your plugin ROCKS!!!
  15. That kinda reminds me of an effect in Corel Photopaint called Local Equalization. Not quite as strong, maybe.
  16. You need a plugin for that. Download and install the following plugin pack: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22819 It has a polygon drawing plugin included.
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