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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. You can do this without a plugin. Just use the regular gradient tool with :AlphaChannel: mode.
  2. Yes. Google "chkdsk" for how to use it. This is not a general computer support forum.
  3. The IsVisible code is never needed if you stay within the ROI passed into the Render function. Using Selection.Top, for example, could return pixels to you that are outside of the ROI including pixels that are not even selected. This happens when the selection is not a rectangle. Consider the following image: The white pixels that are outside of the selection would be returned if you loop through Selection.Top to Selection.Bottom etc. BTW, the best way to write the plugin that you are working on is to NOT make it a CodeLab script. Then, you can do your averaging code inside of the OnRender function. (For an example of a full effect, see the source code for my fire effect here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=26579 ) Hope this helps.
  4. The easiest way to compare two images is to put each one on its own layer and change the upper layer's blending mode to XOR.
  5. The information you seek is here: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=23939
  6. It always cracks me up when people suggest to "simply add a button" as if dragging a button from a toolbox onto the form is all it takes. Why is there no thought about the code that must be written to respond to the button click?
  7. Have you taken a look at the Soften Portrait source code thread? In there, I not only show you the source code, but I also describe exactly how to create the effect without the plugin. Take a look here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4097
  8. Yeah, the problem is, whenever you work in that directory you want Paint.NET to be closed. So, to have the program open that window without closing itself would just lead to confusion. I would really like to see a better system (see my edited post above).
  9. I support this suggestion. But, what I really want is an easy, "built-in to Paint.NET" way to install plugins. Something like, this: and an equally easy way to remove plugins. A bonus would be an easy way to move them around to the submenus that you want.
  10. I don't understand the problem either. I've shared some of my Paint.NET created works on Facebook and never had a problem. Maybe there is something specific to his images... I don't know.
  11. You can't remove the checkerboard pattern. However, you could add a new layer and move it to the bottom. Fill that layer with whatever color you want. Then, when you are done, delete the layer before saving.
  12. The best way to unblur an image is to take another image... and hold the camera still this time. Seriously. (The tools in any paint program can only do so much.)
  13. Paint.NET does not support the CMYK color space. It only supports RGB color space.
  14. My SWAG would be meta data. Try this test: 1) open the desired file. 2) Select all, copy 3) paste into a new window 4) save the new window with quality 0 This will remove almost all (if not all) meta data from the image. What is the resulting size?
  15. I think I may have found your issue... Try a C++ book instead of a C+ book.
  16. OK, well in the mean time, just use Paint.NET 3.36 for plugin development.
  17. Paint.NET 3.36 doesn't support Open Type fonts, only True Type Fonts. That may be the reason some fonts are not showing. If you need additional fonts right now, try the Paint.NET 3.5 beta build. It has much better font support.
  18. jmichae3, you can draw stars with one of the plugins in my plugin pack (link in sig). It is not quite as flexible as the star plugin you are requesting. Maybe you should consider learning how to write plugins so that you can write your own. (I'm not saying this to be rude, we could always use more plugin writers.) There is lots of help learning how to write plugins. Check the CodeLab thread in the Plugin forum for downloads and tutorials.
  19. If CodeLab is generating that code, I'll fix it later... before Paint.NET 3.5 is officially released.
  20. Sure, it's possible. Try Art Rage. http://www.artrage.com/ Oh, you mean with Paint.NET? Well, no, sorry it isn't.
  21. Paint.NET is described in this featured project at the Scratch web site: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/MissMicky/584483
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