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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Paint.NET is described in this featured project at the Scratch web site: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/MissMicky/584483
  2. There is a wonderful* built-in effect in the Effects > Photo menu called Soften Portrait. Try that. (*I think everyone agrees that whoever wrote that is a freaking genius.)
  3. Larger version posted to my dA account. I took the photograph and then manipulated it in Paint.NET.
  4. That probably means that there's some file in that directory that is giving Paint.NET fits. You can try deleting all files in that default directory to see if it fixes the problem. Even hidden files. BTW, if you press ENTER instead of ESC, it will save the file. But, you'll have to find it and rename it later.
  5. That probably means that there's some file in that directory that is giving Paint.NET fits. You can try deleting all files in that default directory to see if it fixes the problem. Even hidden files. BTW, if you press ENTER instead of ESC, it will save the file. But, you'll have to find it and rename it later.
  6. That probably means that there's some file in that directory that is giving Paint.NET fits. You can try deleting all files in that default directory to see if it fixes the problem. Even hidden files. BTW, if you press ENTER instead of ESC, it will save the file. But, you'll have to find it and rename it later.
  7. That probably means that there's some file in that directory that is giving Paint.NET fits. You can try deleting all files in that default directory to see if it fixes the problem. Even hidden files. BTW, if you press ENTER instead of ESC, it will save the file. But, you'll have to find it and rename it later.
  8. That probably means that there's some file in that directory that is giving Paint.NET fits. You can try deleting all files in that default directory to see if it fixes the problem. Even hidden files. BTW, if you press ENTER instead of ESC, it will save the file. But, you'll have to find it and rename it later.
  9. If you were to give the foilage a slight rainbow tint, your picture would be a natural for adding a horn and making it a unicorn. Nice job!
  10. One thing you might try is to create a new layer, fill it with a color you aren't using (like pink), and move it below your working layer. That way, you can see exactly which pixels are transparent in your working layer (pink in this example). Just delete the pink layer before saving and you should be happy.
  11. Paint.NET has the ability to put arrow heads on the ends of the lines drawn. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/LineCurve.html Is that what you're looking for?
  12. Yuck! I'd rather have more screen realestate available for editing.
  13. Have you tried this plugin: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=6524
  14. Maybe you are looking for one of my 2 different "Feather" plugins. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22819 Is that what you want?
  15. Instead of closing it, try pressing the Esc key. Does it come back?
  16. Oh, I'm sorry, did I forget my sarcasm tags again?
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