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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. If you're not happy with the built-in Effects > Photo > Sharpen effect, I'm not sure there's much that can be done. Perhaps if you showed us the blurred photo in question we could give you better advice.
  2. The best way to "unblur" a photo is to take a new photo (and this time use a tripod).
  3. That is called a vignette. Ed Harvey has a vignette plugin as part of his plugin pack: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=26244
  4. In the color window, select black for your primary color, then select black for your secondary color. Change the Alpha for the secondary color to 0. Select the gradient tool and draw a radial gradient from the center of your image to the edge. If the gradient comes out backwards, just right-click on one of the gradient's nubs. Is that what you want? BTW, there are better ways to do this, but this is a simple, "built-in to Paint.NET" way.
  5. *sigh* no one's ever satisfied. Why do I even bother? "Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and they ask me to take you to the bridge. Call that job satisfaction, 'cause I don't." ~Marvin
  6. Tomorrow is my birthday, but today you get the present! Remember when I wrote the Portrait plugin, MadJik wrote: Well, ETA is TODAY! It automates a bunch of steps that I make when fixing landscape pictures. It is obviously not right for everything, but I find it useful. Hopefully you will too. Download the Landscape.dll as part of my plugin pack here: https://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/32048-v If you have trouble installing this plugin, post your troubles here. Enjoy. For those that are interested in such things, here is the CodeLab source: // Author: BoltBait // Submenu: Photo // Name: Sharpen Landscape // URL: http://www.BoltBait.com/pdn #region UICode Pair<double, double> Amount1 = Pair.Create( 0.0 , -0.25 ); // Position of Horizon int Amount2 = 50; // [0,100] Sky int Amount3 = 50; // [0,100] Grass int Amount4 = 100; // [0,200] Sharpen int Amount5 = 50; // [0,100] Saturation int Amount6 = 50; // [0,100] Final Multiply Adjustment #endregion // Setup for using the various blend ops private UserBlendOps.OverlayBlendOp overlayOp = new UserBlendOps.OverlayBlendOp(); private UserBlendOps.ColorDodgeBlendOp dodgeOp = new UserBlendOps.ColorDodgeBlendOp(); private UserBlendOps.MultiplyBlendOp multiplyOp = new UserBlendOps.MultiplyBlendOp(); private UnaryPixelOps.HueSaturationLightness saturationOp; unsafe void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { Rectangle selection = this.EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt(); ColorBgra Sky = ColorBgra.FromBgr(255,128,0); ColorBgra Grass = ColorBgra.FromBgr(0,128,0); int HorizonRow = (int)Math.Round(((Amount1.Second + 1) / 2) * (selection.Bottom - selection.Top)); saturationOp = new UnaryPixelOps.HueSaturationLightness(0, 100+Amount5*3, 0); // Setup for calling the Blur function GaussianBlurEffect blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect(); PropertyCollection bProps = blurEffect.CreatePropertyCollection(); PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken bParameters = new PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken(bProps); bParameters.SetPropertyValue(GaussianBlurEffect.PropertyNames.Radius, 1); blurEffect.SetRenderInfo(bParameters, new RenderArgs(dst), new RenderArgs(src)); // Call the Blur function blurEffect.Render(new Rectangle[1] {rect},0,1); // Now in the main render loop, the dst canvas has a blurred version of the src canvas for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { ColorBgra* srcPtr = src.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y); ColorBgra* dstPtr = dst.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y); for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { // Create a blue gradient at the top if (y < HorizonRow) { Sky.A = (byte)(int)((255.0 - (255.0 * y / HorizonRow ))*(Amount2/100.0)); } else { Sky.A = (byte)0; } // Create a green gradient at the bottom if (y > HorizonRow) { Grass.A = (byte)(int)((255.0 * (y-HorizonRow) / (selection.Bottom-HorizonRow))*(Amount3/100.0)); } else { Grass.A = (byte)0; } ColorBgra AdjustmentPixel = *dstPtr; ColorBgra SourcePixel = *srcPtr; // Sharpen (unsharp mask) double NewR = (double)SourcePixel.R + ((double)SourcePixel.R - (double)AdjustmentPixel.R) * (double)Amount4 / 100.0; double NewG = (double)SourcePixel.G + ((double)SourcePixel.G - (double)AdjustmentPixel.G) * (double)Amount4 / 100.0; double NewB = (double)SourcePixel.B + ((double)SourcePixel.B - (double)AdjustmentPixel.B) * (double)Amount4 / 100.0; AdjustmentPixel.R = Utility.ClampToByte(NewR); AdjustmentPixel.G = Utility.ClampToByte(NewG); AdjustmentPixel.B = Utility.ClampToByte(NewB); // Boost the saturation *dstPtr = saturationOp.Apply(AdjustmentPixel); // Add in the sky and grass *dstPtr = multiplyOp.Apply(*dstPtr, Sky); *dstPtr = dodgeOp.Apply(*dstPtr, Grass); // Finally, add a little "punch" to the overall picture AdjustmentPixel = *dstPtr; AdjustmentPixel.A = (byte)(int)(Amount6 * 255.0 / 100.0); *dstPtr = multiplyOp.Apply(*dstPtr, AdjustmentPixel); srcPtr++; dstPtr++; } } } Thanks to Tanel for the Sharpen (unsharp mask) code.
  7. No, it is not possible to remove the shadow. And, no there is no plugin that will do it. If it bothers you, I would recommend working on a larger canvas so that your real edges are buffered from the actual edges of the canvas. Then, when you are happy with the image, crop to your final size just before you save the image.
  8. You're going to buy a book because it contains information that you already know? :?:
  9. Funny you should mention it. Here is one I just did: viewtopic.php?p=297834#p297834 Be sure to click the Hide tag to see the pic before I edited it. Here's how I did it: First, use Adjustments > Hue Saturation to increase the saturation of your image. Add a new layer. Select a nice dark blue for primary color Select the same color for secondary and slide the alpha slider all the way to transparent. Draw a gradient from the top of the picture to the bottom of where the sky is. (adjust as necessary) Press Enter to finalize the gradient. Press F4 to modify the layer properties. Change the blending mode to taste. (Try Multiply, Overlay, etc.) Adjust the Opacity of the layer to taste. Press OK to finalize the image.
  10. Well, you didn't explain it properly in your original post. And, what you are describing with pictures is impossible.
  11. Why roll your eyes? It does look good.
  12. The original picture straight out of the camera is hidden in the post. So, you can see yourself.
  13. Took a picture yesterday: Here's what it looked like before I... uh... fixed it. Just a little croping, pushing the saturation, and adding some blue to make it look nice. Did I go too far?
  14. Look for a plugin called "wet floor". It is part of MadJik's plugin pack.
  15. Actually, barbieq25, in the rules it says "You cannot use renders". BTW, are there any "write-in" votes for mine? (see page 3)
  16. BTW, technically, it should say "Insurance Pays 2 to 1" instead of "Blackjack pays..."
  17. For the desktop background competition. The subject was "green". No stocks used. Bet.zip
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