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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. If you use PNG images in your web pages, users will become bored waiting for your web pages to load. For web sites, I think it is best to use a combination of GIF and JPG images (depending on the image).
  2. Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map (if you have it installed)
  3. If you follow his directions properly, you will see a somewhat intricate pattern emerge--kind of a square within a square, etc. Zoom in to about 800%.
  4. Meireles, there is lots of good material (like you are describing) here: http://blogs.msdn.com/rickbrew/
  5. Mark me down for: "It depends on the application."
  6. Why don't you make something like this: I'm sure you could do better with the original source file. But, seriously, sigs don't have to be huge. And, by the way, PNG sucks.
  7. Couldn't you make it any bigger? I think it needs to be bigger, 153K is just too small... Maybe you should just use this as your sig: 620K is more like it. I mean, if you really want your posts to get noticed...
  8. Some people find bliss in paint by numbers... Don't even ask me how I got this... All I know is, it involved that colored pencil thing only with moving the top layer instead of bluring it, lots of sharpening, adding a layer of sparse noise with guassian blurring with transparent adjustment to simulate water color paint, and a GIS for "holding paint brush" and "paint by numbers".
  9. Rick, would it be possible to implement the following: 1) When you click the eye dropper to select a primary or secondary color, immediatly after clicking to select a color, go back to the tool you were using before selecting the eye dropper. On the rare occasion that I need to select a color again, I wouldn't mind selecting the eye dropper again. This is how MS Paint works and I've gotten really used to that behavior. 2) I find myself constantly in the wrong mode when doing extensive edits. Is there a way to combine the Selection modes (square, for example) with the Move Selected Pixels mode? For example, when you select an area with the selection tool, when the mouse pointer is over the selection it would switch to Move mode and when the mouse pointer is outside of the selection it would switch to the selection mode. When the shift key is held down it would switch to Selection mode regardless of where the mouse pointer is. I imagine this as more of a Selection/Move mode and you would need to click Move Selection mode for those functions (just as it is today). If I am not clear, please let me know. Oh, and any chance we can get a build of 2.7x with the new color docker? I can't wait until 3.0
  10. Why not just Google Image Search a pearl, copy, paste, done! You can't get more realistic than real. :wink:
  11. That may be your problem. I don't believe the source code is compatible with the express edition of VS.
  12. Are you trying to have part of the image transparent? Like to the left of the big E? If so, you need to save it in GIF format. JPG does not support transparancy.
  13. I had to do something similar for my job: http://www.geocities.com/boltbaits/pict ... Power.html And, I didn't have PDN available to me. I just used MS Paint and did a bunch of copy-paste and stretching. It turned out pretty well, though it did take a loooooong time.
  14. Oh, sorry, I should have been more clear. Once you have saved it in .GIF format, load it in MS Paint and save it in BMP 256.
  15. It wouldn't do you much good. Once you flatten the layers there's nothing to be learned from the PDN file. Just read over the instructions given above and try to duplicate the final image. Show your results and tell me where you had trouble and maybe I can help.
  16. You can save a picture in 8-bit by selecting .GIF format.
  17. I'll try to describe the process from memory. It took about 1/2 hour to complete. [*:6321f]Create the background sky by making a fade from sky blue to red (in the middle) to dark red (under the water). [*:6321f]Create the clouds using pink/red with gray outlines. But, don't blur yet. BTW, clouds look best with flat bottoms. [*:6321f]Create a red circle for the sun (use the shift key to constrain to a true circle) [*:6321f]Adjust the position of the sun and clouds [*:6321f]Flatten the image [*:6321f]Guassian Blur the whole image (I used ~22-25 I think) [*:6321f]Draw a blue square for the water on a new layer [*:6321f]Select that square and add noise to it [*:6321f]Then, add a motion blur (direction 0, distance 10-20ish) [*:6321f]Change the opacity of the water to about 85-90% so the red shows through in spots. (Not too much) [*:6321f]Draw a half circle for the reflection of the sun on a new layer (red) [*:6321f]Add noise to it and do the same direction blur as your water [*:6321f]Guassian Blur the sun reflection (4-5 I think) [*:6321f]Magic wand "some" of that half circle. This is the only really tricky part. You will need to play with tolerance a bit so that when you use the wand, randomly about 1/2 of the red half-circle is selected. Delete it. [*:6321f]Adjust the opacity of the sun reflection layer for desired effect. [*:6321f]Flatten the image [*:6321f]Select the horizon by selecting 2 pixels high and all the way across (1 pixel of red and 1 of blue) [*:6321f]Guassian Blur (2). That should soften the horizon a bit.And, you're done. Resize the image down from 800x600 to your final size and output as JPG (85-90% quality).
  18. You are only limited by your imagination and technical know-how. I can't help you expand your imagination, but reading this will help with the latter. :wink: Seriously though, if imagination is part of the problem, a specific project usually helps. Try your hand at a Bliss parody.
  19. Picc84, this is for you... I can send you my .pdn file if you like.
  20. Select the layer where you want some transparent area. Select the area you want to be transparent. Press the "Delete" key.
  21. Thanks! Yes, I drew it in 2 parts. I drew the face using Sketch It! on my Pocket PC. Then, I drew the clothes and colored it in MS Paint. Sketch It! has a great feature in that the line width while drawing changes based on how fast you are moving the stylist. When moving slowly it draws fine lines. When drawing fast it draws fat lines. It has a very natural feel. BTW, if you want to see how close my drawing is to me, look at this page: http://www.geocities.com/boltbaits/picture/
  22. Agreed. I remade my drawing with blue (like the sky) outlines on the circles and it turned out much better.
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